Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,184

I looked up into the eyes of Todd Downs and I nearly passed out. I couldn’t believe my eyes; he was supposed to bed dead.

“Don’t you?” I snapped back at him, as I easily jumped back onto my feet.

I had to keep remembering I wasn’t fully human anymore. I was ten times stronger than I was before. Todd laughed, his hair was longer, and dripping wet from the pouring rain outside. He wore a flannel shirt and old Levi’s with holes in them. He looked like he hadn’t bathed in weeks.

“You’re supposed to be dead!” He hissed as he eyed me, somewhat nervously.

“Like I just said you’re supposed to be dead too!” I snapped right back.

I ran my tongue along the lovely sharp fangs I was now sporting these days. Todd was watching my every move closely and he didn’t look happy. The fangs were not noticeable to the human eye, but to other vamps, they could see them in seconds. I curled my lips into a wicked smile, showing my new fangs in all their glory.

“Surprise.” I said as I tilted my head and winked at him. “Try to push me around now jerk.” Todd backed up slightly and seemed shocked and severely disturbed. “You drank dead blood you are the one that should be dead, there’s no way you can live through that.” I stared at him and now I was the one in shock.

“Dead blood.” He laughed and smiled evilly at me. “Dead blood is a very tricky thing you know. I was still in the beginning phases of my transformation, to a full-blooded vampire. The dead blood couldn’t kill me at that time. It did make me sick indeed but dead well…. not so.”

He was laughing again and moved a step closer to me. “Dead as our kind knows it, nope here I am! Now what in the hell are you doing here if I may ask?” I stepped back, he was a full blood now, and I was no match for him.

I was in danger and I knew it, he had the capability to kill William and me in mere seconds if he wanted to. I could see the creep he brought with him standing in the shadow of the room. He did not move, but I knew he would help Todd if he asked.

“You want to know about me?” I was trying to buy time, knowing I no longer had the advantage since he was a full blood. I had to hope Roth got the rest of the coven up here before Todd tried to kill William and me.

“Yes that’s what I asked. I bit you and I know I was changed enough to have venom to kill you with.” I stepped back closer to William’s bed. I could see he was back into another deep sleep and prayed he wouldn’t wake up right now. I knew he would try to fight Todd, and he was not strong enough to do that.

“Well, I got sick too but your venom did not kill me as you can see. I’m a vampire like you are and so all that’s settled now isn’t it Todd.” I tried to hide the fact I was scared to death. I stood there facing two full-blooded vampires all alone. “What do you want?” I asked acting way more confident than I really was.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head off Corrine; we are here for your lover boy William. Leo wants him and we are here to bring back to the Dark coven where he belongs.”

I felt my stomach turn, and my head spun at his words. I was unable to even speak as I stared at him, now seeing the rope he held in his hands no doubt to tie my William up with. I felt the anger build up inside me, they were not taking William not unless they killed me first.

“The hell you are taking him and to hell with Leo!” I raged wanting to rip off Todd’s head right then and there. If I had been a full blood, I swear I would have done it too.

“Leave it Corrine, Leo will be dealing with you himself he will be coming for you, count on that.” Kyle stepped out of the shadows and said this.

I knew Sayann would be freaked out to know he was in the house. I should have guessed he would be with Todd; they always seemed to be together. I heard William waking up and

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