Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,171

couch as he always did.

I was happy he was staying. I hated being alone. I knew I needed to sleep as much as I could. Tomorrow could End up being a very long day. I curled and listened to the wind howl outside. Will and I went to sleep very quickly.

The next morning was a whirlwind. Gran had come in early to talk to me, and wish me good-bye. It was hard not to cry as she hugged me. I knew it was highly possible I might never see her again after this morning. She was the closest thing to a mother I had ever had, and I thought of her as such.

I was comforted by the fact she had a vision the night before, and it fore told good things and I knew her visions were never false. Gran told me how happy she was about our engagement and our future together. I made her promise when Will and I married she would walk me down the aisle with dad. I was so happy she agreed with tears in her eyes, she said it would be her honor to do so. I hugged with all I had and promised to call her as soon as we got to the plantation house in New Orleans.

Sara and dad came in a few minutes later. Sara seemed chipper and had a stack of papers with her.

“Corrine darling, I got some wedding ideas for you to look over on the plane. I also got a hold of the wedding planner I told you about last night. I think we can book her in about two months for a meeting!”

I could see she was really in to all this. I didn’t know if it was her extending an olive branch, or just her trying to plan the social event of the season. I hoped it was the first, but it was hard to tell with Sara. Too much was going on right now in my life to waste time thinking about it anyway.

“Oh great, I will definitely look them over thank you.” I put on my best fake smile.

“It’s my pleasure; I love to plan things you know. One thing though, the planner did mention you and Will should set a date as soon as you can. It seems all the good reception venues book up fast, some even two years in advance.” She gave a dramatic gasp and put her hand on her heart to emphasize how awful that was. I smiled and shook my head.

“That’s insane two years?” I too acted applaud. “We will call you as soon as we know the date I promise.”

“Now Sara let’s not rush things, we want to get Corrine all better first and then we will get this.” He cleared his throat. “Rather large wedding off the ground ok?”

“Oh all right John, it’s just I want it to be perfect for them, that’s all.” She smiled sweetly at him.

It seemed that they were actually getting along, much to my amazement. The next few minutes dad made me promise to call each day, or if I was feeling bad to have Doc call him. Sara gave me a kiss on each cheek, European style, even though she was in no way English. Dad hugged me and kissed the top of my head, and he and Sara headed off to start their day. I was happy they didn’t linger to long. I didn’t want it to turn into a crying fest.

Doc arrived right on time; Roth loaded my bags into his black hummer or his “baby” as he referred to it. I laughed at how often he washed it, and had it detailed. Will said he had it for nearly a year now and it looked cleaner than a new vehicle.

I was feeling pretty good. I ate a small breakfast, and Sayann gave me a unit of blood, which made me feel stronger. I was starting to accept the fact I needed it to survive. I tried to block out where it came from, that was still a major issue for me. If I thought about it too much.

Will arrived with Lydia and Andrew; they too would be going with us. I was so happy to see Will. It had only been a couple hours, but I missed him just the same. The trip to the airport took longer than we would have liked, due to the heavy snowfall the night before.

The plane was Dr.Pratt’s private jet, so

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