Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,17

sparked pain in my head and legs.

“William,” I gasped. “It hurts.” I cried. The horse stopped right away as he pulled up sharply on the reins.

“Hold on, we’ll slow down. I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have tried to go faster.” I could feel him pull me closer; he was looking down at me, the blue in his eyes seemed so dark. “Hold still for a second.” He put his hand on my forehead gently. “Take a deep breath and try to relax.” I did and it seemed to help a little. The wind was so much stronger now and I could feel rain, freezing little drops hit my cheek. I felt so bad for William. He had to be freezing to death without his coat, but he never said one word about the cold. We arrived to the stable. I could hear ambulance sirens in the distance heading for our house.

“How did they know?” I poked my head out of William’s coat.

“I called 911 at the river as soon as my signal came in.” His voice was totally calm and collected.

Sam came running out. “What’s happened, is she okay?” he yelled.

“It’s okay. I called an ambulance for her. She fell off her horse by the river.” William assured him.

“Oh good Lord, how bad is she hurt?” Sam’s eyes were wide with concern and fear.

“Head injury and she’s cut her leg and head. I’m not sure what else.”

“Her daddy’s going to have my hide. I should have gone out with her.” Sam fretted as he took the reins from William. “Are you Mr. Darcy’s boy from next door?” Sam questioned, looking William over. Concern was filling his dark brown eyes.

“Yes. We just moved in not long ago. I was out riding the property lines when I came up on Corrine.”

“Thank the Lord for that. She's been sick lately, it's no good her being out in this weather.” Sam patted my hand. “You’ll be alright sweetie. That ambulance is coming fast.”

“I can’t thank you enough for helping out Corrine; her daddy’s going to want to thank you himself.” The ambulance pulled up and before I knew it, I was taken from William’s arms, our eyes locked on each other one last time, before the paramedics took me away.

“Thanks.” I whispered. He simply nodded, winking at me. I felt an oxygen mask cover my face and pain ripped through my head again. I closed my eyes and groaned as the pain sent me unconscious once again.

Chapter 5

“William’s Point of view”

I knew it was wrong to be here, as I sat at Corrine’s bedside, watching and waiting for her to wake up. I knew I’d fallen hopelessly in love with her from the moment our eyes met. I had no explanation for any of it. I just knew I had to be here by her side. Somehow, I just knew she needed me. I knew I should have left already; my presence here would look strange to her family and friends. I didn’t know any of them, and I didn’t even really know Corrine for that matter.

I myself couldn’t even explain it. I did try to leave not long after her father thanked me profusely. Mr. Whitmore promised me he would call and let me know how Corrine was doing. He and his wife seemed very grateful that I happened to be in the woods and find Corrine. I shook his hand, headed to the elevator but I couldn’t make myself get on it.

This was going to cause major problems and I knew it. My family would not be happy at all with me falling in love with Corrine. I was fairly certain they would oppose any kind of relationship with her. It simply was unacceptable for someone like me to be with someone like her. I knew I was expected to keep with people that were like me. I knew I was breaking the rules and I didn’t care. I wasn’t exactly like any of the people in my family anyway.

I had seen the kind of look Corrine gave me in other people’s eyes before. I had seen it more than I care to admit. It was a harsh mix of fear and confusion. Corrine was much the same but in a split second, the look in her eyes changed. She stared at me as if she’d known me forever, as if I was familiar to her. The way she clung to me when I took her home was an amazing feeling. I could

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