Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,169

dinner with us also. I was so surprised it had been weeks since I had seen them, and the last visit I felt so bad we could not talk for long. It would be a full house tonight. I couldn’t imagine anything better than having all the people I loved together for a wonderful Christmas dinner at home.

I came downstairs, with the help of Sayann, and waited in the sitting area for all of our guests to arrive. Dad had on a tuxedo. Apparently, the dinner had been made a formal one sometime that afternoon. It was cool though, I had always loved getting dressed up myself. Doc and Pratt arrived, after basically just leaving from doing my check up a couple hours earlier.

They both had on tuxedos and looked like GQ models, believe me, you never would have had any idea they were vampires. It amazed me to this day, how they all fit right in with human society. I started to wonder how many people you saw out in public were actually vamps too. Lydia and Emma followed them into the sitting room, both wearing black Armani gowns. Lydia’s was trimmed in red satin; she didn’t look a day over 30.

I was ready for Sara to freak out, as she knew Lydia was Will’s real mother, not his step. I hoped she would chalk up Lydia’s extremely youthful appearance to a teen pregnancy, a really good plastic surgeon, or superb genetics. I really couldn’t wait to see her reaction though. This was going to really freak her out.

Sara was a major wrinkle phoebe. She had like 200 kinds of creams in her bathroom to ward off the wicked buggers. Emma looked all of about 25 years old too! Her long auburn hair was pulled up into a stylish bun, her skin flawless as ever. I wondered did unfashionable vampires exist. If they did, I had not seen one in this coven any way.

William came in last, the cousin’s following him. He had on his tuxedo as well, and his jet-black hair slicked back to the side. He reminded me of someone out of the twenties, timeless and sophisticated. Roth, Taylor, and Riley came in followed by Sam. They all looked amazing.

I saw Roth’s eyes go right to Sayann. I was pleased with that, so was she. I saw her give him a shy smile and a wave. Beth and Kara were last, and had on almost the same kind of dresses. It was typical; they were like twins, even when we were younger. Kara’s dress was green and Kara’s was blue. Both dresses were the same style, floor length and empire waist, very pretty. All of Will’s cousins seemed to be appreciating our two female guests.

“You are a vision.” Will whispered into my ear as he kissed my cheek.

“You look edible.” I teased.

“Well now!” He smiled, his brows raised in surprise at my naughty compliment.

Sara as expected wore a very low cut black dress with a red shawl over it. I was surprised to see her cover up the “twins”. They were her pride and joy. It was her thing to show them off, but tonight she was looking more appropriate.

Dinner was served at 6:15 pm, and it smelled insanely good. Gran had outdone herself this year. I just hoped she didn’t wear herself out to much. I smiled at her; she had on her traditional Christmas tree dress. It was red with tiny trees all over it. She had worn it every year for as long as I can remember, it would seem weird to me if she didn’t. She and no one else made all the pies and sweet potatoes. I knew she took pride in baking those, and I loved to eat them too.

It turned out to be a Christmas/ Engagement party as everyone couldn’t stop talking about how wonderful Will and I would be as married couple. I wasn’t sure how, but even our full-blooded vampire guests ate as much as our human ones. I figured most of them had very good human memories of Christmas dinners in their past. It no doubt made eating the human food very enjoyable for them. Every one talked and had a wonderful time. Beth and Kara never even suspected they were in the company of vampires.

The guests disbursed to the living room to relax after dinner was done. Dad had the fireplace going, so it was warm and comfortable. Gran enjoyed telling some embarrassing stories about my

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