Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,15

It is covered in blood. I must have hit my head on a sharp rock or something. “Oh God.” I sigh. I’m going to die out here, I think to myself.

“Well I am definitely not God, but are you okay?” A voice makes me jump, causing me more pain in my leg now. Oh hell, what else was wrong with me I wonder?

“Go away… I’m fine whoever you are.” I gasp. “Get away from me.” I try to get up slipping in the mud. I start to cry, my head hurts too bad to try to get away from this guy. I did not need another head injury; my brain was going to be mush after this. “Oh crap.” I mutter, blinking hard trying to see whom this is talking to me.

“Here let me help you. You’re hurt really bad.” I felt my heart race. He was probably a serial killer or a rapist. I would be locked in his basement, tortured for months if I didn’t get up, and run right now. I start to cry harder as I try to scoot away.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. I will not hurt you I promise. Let me get you some help.” I stopped trying to get away now knowing it’s useless. I squint, trying to see his face. He has an accent…like someone from Europe. I can’t think of anyone I know from there. He’s kneeling in the mud next to me. Before I can see him better, everything goes black.

I couldn’t open my eyes, speak, or move for what seemed like forever. I felt suddenly very cold and my body started to shiver. I groaned, wanting this agony to end. I could hear thunder in the distance and the cold wind on my face. The storm Gran had warned me about was indeed moving in and I was here by the river where I promised her I wouldn’t be. I felt my body covered by something. It made me feel warmer whatever it was. I could smell a woodsy scent, some kind of incredible smelling cologne I thought to myself as I took a deep breath in. The low calm voice returned. It started to make sense to me now as I strained to listen, to understand what was being said to me now.

“We have to get you out of here. It’s going to storm shortly.” I tried to respond but my mouth opened and nothing came out. I could feel arms wrapped around me. This stranger was holding me close to him, but I felt no fear, as I should have. I rubbed my eyes slowly. I had to see who he was and what was going on. I struggled to focus and as I blinked hard, he finally came in to view. I took a sharp breath.

He had the most stunning blue eyes I had ever seen before in my whole life. His face was almost angelic. He looked like a model or a Greek god…maybe something from one of the books Gram had on mythology in her room. I couldn’t even speak as we stared into each other’s eyes. He seemed as shocked as I was and unable to speak just like me. I knew I should have been terrified to be this close to a guy I didn’t know, but I was perfectly calm. I thought I heard him gasp slightly when I did; his breathing had increased like mine.

“I um…thanks for helping me.” God, I felt like an idiot totally tongue-tied in front of this majorly cute guy. He just smiled at me. “I kind of fell. I guess.”

“I saw that. I figured I had better stop and check on you, it was a very bad fall you took. You’ve hurt yourself badly I’m afraid.”

“I think I hit my head.” I winced as I touched the back of my head. I pulled my hand in front of my face to look at it more blood covered my fingers. I saw him pull back instantly. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the blood all over my hand. He looked at me, his face tense and hard. He seemed like he was suddenly angry. I felt a jolt of fear not understanding his reaction. He took a deep breath and looked away briefly.

“Hate the sight of blood?” I tried to joke, but laughing hurt my ribs too much.

“Yeah… something like that.” He swallowed hard, and gave me a weak smile. He

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