Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,139

to the afternoon he came to talk to me about Will. Roth had been worried Will would go off the deep end if I really did ever die. I made Roth promise me he would watch over him, and make sure he did not do anything foolish to himself if I was not here to look after him.

“Really? Well I know she did not want us to be apart, she did not want to be without me ever.”

“Yes, I am sure she meant that, but while you were both here on earth, not if she went before you. I got to know her pretty well, and I know she would never want you to hurt yourself over her!” Will still held me close to his chest. I could hear his heart beat increasing, as he got more and more upset.

“Look Will, let’s wait for Doc to get here before we do anything ok?”

“Eternity is a long time. I use to dread each day after I became a vampire, did you know that Roth?” Will’s tone was eerie.

“What? Uh… no I guess not.” He again was caught off guard by Will’s increasingly odd behavior.

“I wondered what good having eternal life was, without someone to share it with, someone to love. I tried to find things to interest me, like Doc had with his love of medicine. My mother loves astrology and the stars. I couldn’t …I had nothing to interest me. I merely existed, like a rock or a tree, an inanimate object… with hair.”

“Will …uh you’re freaking me out ok, what in hell are you getting at here?”

“What I’m getting at Roth, is that you don’t understand what Corrine was to me. I have waited my entire life, for her. I never knew love of her kind even during my short time as a human, and definitely not as a vampire. You don’t know what it is to have what little soul you still have to be brought to life by love, and then have it crushed when that love is gone.” His voice wavered with emotion.

“Corrine gave me life, she made me feel and think and want to live each day. I know she thought I saved her, and she always told everyone that, but really, she saved me. I don’t want this eternity, this gift they say we vampires have. It’s no good without someone you truly love to share it with. Corrine was to share it with me all of it. It just doesn’t work without her. I can’t comprehend my life without her in it, and I don’t want to.” Will sighed as he bent his head down to kiss my forehead.

“I can’t say I understand it Will, because I haven’t loved like you. I haven’t met any girl I would die for, or even cut my pinky finger for anyway. I can honestly tell you though; she loved you the same way and would not have wanted you to end your life over her.”

“I can’t.” Will gasped; he squeezed me tighter, as if he feared Roth might take me from his arms.

“You must honor her William, don’t give up, you must be strong now, for her for the coven. Do you know what killing yourself would do to your mom? It would destroy her, she loves you so much and Doc too. Think of the others who love you, you have to think Will, really you do!” Roth pleaded.

“I can’t think, I can’t even breathe anymore, it’s too much, all of it!”

“You are stronger than this, come on now!” I could hear Roth move closer to Will. I figured he was putting his arm around him or something.

“Give me the vial.” Will simply said. The low voice he used scared me, he meant business now.

“No, I will not. You might want to die but not while I’m around William, not this day!”

“Give me that damn vial now!” Will’s voice was louder.

“No!” Roth yelled back. “I told you I won’t. I know what you’re going to do and I’m not letting you.” I knew what he wanted to do, and I was terrified now.

I wanted to grab William and shake him, and tell him he couldn’t hurt himself. I forced myself to open my eyes; I wanted to see what was going on. I couldn’t stand not seeing what was going on, it was too much. I could see them after I blinked the rain out of my eyes. Roth was holding the vial out away

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