Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,137

He whispered my name waiting for me to answer him. I could hear him and feel his touch, but it I could not respond to him. I had only been “out” for a minute, but now I was hearing everything and not able to move or speak. I lay in his arms motionless, as he fell apart right in front of me.

Chapter 30

Losing my self

William was losing his mind as I lay in his arms. I felt him move me; he put his ear to my chest, to listen for my nonexistent heartbeat. I felt him grab my wrist hoping to feel a pulse. I could feel his hands shaking, and his breathing was fast. He was freaking out.

He stroked my cheek and said my name, begging me to come back to him. I knew he was crying, as I felt his hot salty tears drop on to my ice-cold cheek. His tears that he shed would have to be for me too, because along with everything else I couldn’t do, I could not cry either.

I wanted to take his hand and kiss his lips, tell him I was ok but obviously, I was not. I could not understand why I was not able to do anything. I tried to squeeze his hand, or open my eyes but my body was in some kind of off mode. I was like a TV with the mute button stuck on. I was limp in his arms, unable to hold up my head. I bet I really did look dead, but was I?

Roth scuffled with Todd, again and from what I heard he forced him to drink some of the vial of dead blood, at least Todd got what he deserved. I heard him choke and gasp, trying to spit out the blood. Roth had forced him to swallow it.

“Die Todd, you deserve an agonizing death for all the hell you have caused Corrine and William.” Roth said in a low and deadly voice. “I would kill you with my bear hands, but that is not our way. The vial will deliver you to hell, where you came from, and where you will return.”

I could hear everything remarkable well; even the sound of the rain hitting the pine trees was magnified. I marveled at how I also could hear Kyle in the distance as he ran from Roth, he was cussing up a storm hitting every branch as he ran for his life. This was crazy, why was I like this, it was so much like when I was in the hospital after Todd tried to make it look like I had committed suicide.

I was in a coma then, and clearly recall feeling pain, when the drugs that had given me for it wore off. This was different. I felt nothing, not hot or cold, no pain of any kind. I could feel myself being touched or moved but that was all. I could not open my eyes, or speak and it sure as hell seemed like my damn heart had quit beating, to me and everyone else.

I hoped and prayed this was not my fate. I could be buried alive, or whatever you want to call it, just like this. I wanted to cry, but like everything else, I could not do that either. Will was self-destructing right before me, he was falling apart. He held me whispering my name repeatedly, the tears he cried falling on my cheek, could have been my own if I could have shed them.

I felt as if my heart was being ripped out. I was dead to him, to everyone. I was stuck in some kind of hell. I wanted to comfort Will, but it was not even possible. The pain he felt, in thinking, I was lost to him, I felt too. It was worse for me, because I knew I was not dead, but I could not tell him. I was trapped in my own body, it had become a prison.

Will seemed to be on the edge now. Roth was at his side. I felt him touch my wrist gently with his big hand. I knew he was trying to see if he could feel my pulse. I knew he wouldn’t, just has Will could not find one.

“Will, my God I’m sorry,” his voice was low and filled with emotion.

“I failed her, I let this happen, she needed me to protect her and look what happened.” I felt him stroke my hair softly. “I

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