Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,132

not back in the coven.”

“Ok well whatever.” Todd glared back at Kyle, who stood staring at him with his arms crossed, clearly annoyed.

“So, back to Corrine, tell us where she is already, don’t make me beat it out of you!”

“You will have to kill me first. I would never tell you where she was.”

“Too bad for you then.” Todd came after Will with that very statement; he ran right toward him, hitting him full force. I winced when he hit the ground dangerously close to where I was hiding. I could see the hit was bad, as Will got up very slowly.

“It will take more than shoving me down, Todd!” Will yelled, he braced his body for another impact. I hated this, it was so unfair. Will was out numbered, and by all full bloods. I hoped and prayed, Roth, Taylor or any Follower for that matter would show up.

“Really, is that the case?” Todd held his fists; up they circled each other like wild animals.

“Todd, remember, he wants Darcy alive you idiot. If you kill him, you’re a dead man too!” Kyle warned.

“To hell with Leo!” Todd yelled back, he was losing it. I had seen him do this before, at parties, and at football games. If someone ticked him off, he was ready to beat them to death. He wanted to be in control at all times, he hated to be told what to do. I was really shocked he had stayed with the Dark coven; it seemed to me he would be a rouge vamp, and travel alone.

“To hell with Leo?” Kyle tilted his head sideways amused by Todd’s statement. “You are sealing your own death warrant, Todd! Leo will cut off your head and drain all the blood in your body, for even thinking a thing like that. I do believe he told you if you deviated from his set plan for retrieving William, he would in fact torture you than kill you!” Kyle said in a loud voice. I could see Todd, thinking over Kyle’s words.

“Fine, but I never agreed to deliver him in mint condition. I will have some fun with him, before Leo get’s him!”

“Whatever Todd, just don’t kill him ok, that’s all.” Chad groaned as he scratched his head, obviously frustrated.

Todd moved again towards William, who this time did not move back. The two again circled each other, like two wolves set to attack. I scooted up, slightly to see them better, and hoping to see Roth come out of the shadows. Todd grabbed Will before he could move and twisted his arm, then threw him into a tree near me. I winced knowing it had to hurt him badly.

I could see him get to his knees, he was holding his head. When he moved his hand, it was covered in blood. He had hit the trunk of the tree with the side of his head. He slowly got back up. Todd got close but this time Will punched him hard in the face and he feel backwards into a thicket of bushes.

“Not bad for a half blood, but you will have to do better than that.” Todd laughed quickly getting to his feet. In seconds, he had his hand on Will’s throat and slammed him up against another tree, choking him.

“Todd watch it. He’s not a frigging full blood, you’ll kill him!” Kyle was now holding the arm Todd was using to choke Will.

“Get off!” Todd snapped he had a crazy look in his eyes.

“Knock it off Todd, your cutting off his air, he’s a half blood he needs to breath damn it! I’m not getting executed because you are a damn nut job!” Kyle clamped his hand down hard on Todd’s wrist, he gasped in pain. “You are a young vamp; don’t forget you’re weaker than me that will be your first mistake. I refuse to take the heat for this if you kill this guy!”

“Ok, “Todd rubbed his wrist giving Kyle a nasty look. I could see the hit Will gave Todd gave him a bloody nose as he wiped his sleeve. I was happy to see that. I put my head down, holding it up was too much. Todd began to look around the clearing, and I felt my stomach drop, he was sensing me. I had no idea how, but he was. I tried not to even breathe but it was no use. In seconds he was up under my little pine tree cave. I looked up,

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