Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,130

and they would be there. If they got any closer, they would know where we were. I knew Will was going to have to leave me here.

It was possible they might not detect me, since I was still unchanged. Will looked down into my eyes, he was torn not wanting to leave me alone, but knowing he had to. He carried me further up under the trees over hanging branches, out of site to the clearing in front of the tree.

“I have to put you here love, they might not even sense your back here. It is crucial you not move or make a noise. I can handle this; Roth will be here any minute he will know where I am.” He gently laid me down, next to the pine trees trunk, leaned over, and kissed my lips.

“I won’t move, but promise me you won’t try to fight them alone William, you know you shouldn’t.” I pleaded as I held onto his hand so he could not go just yet.

“I will try not to, but if they move toward you, I will not allow it. Don’t make me promise you that, I will not let them hurt you. I love you Corrine, now I have to move away from you now before the get any closer.”

“I love you.” I weakly whispered it was useless to argue with him. I knew he would die trying to protect me and he would not hear any different.

I was too tired and cold to try to change his mind, and we were out of time. I watched him scuff up the snow, where his footsteps had been, so the dark vamps would not see them. The snow had a layer of ice on it from the cold drizzle, the weather seemed to be getting colder, or it was just me. I had no idea now; my vision was shot to hell.

I tried to see, but everything was blurry, so I gave up and closed my eyes. It was dark probably nearing two in the morning, I guessed. The full moon breaking through the clouds cast an eerie glow on the naked braches around me. I was kind of glad I couldn’t see so well the whole scene looked like something out of that Legend of Sleepy Hollow movie, totally creepy. I put my head down and tried to be still, and not make a sound. I ignored the fact my chest was hurting again, that was getting to be normal for me.

Chapter 27


I could hear Will walking around. I rubbed my eyes. I just had to see what was going on, and it was killing me. I could see him now, the blurry vision letting up briefly. He stood near another pine tree mere feet from the one I was under. It was then that I nearly choked in fear as Todd Downs, followed by Kyle and another dark vamp walked out of the shadows towards William. This was a true and honest nightmare.

Will could not fight them all, even if he had not been made weak by the dead blood Vincent had forced him to drink. Half bloods could never over power full-blooded vampires, it was impossible. I couldn’t watch this, but I couldn’t look away. It seemed if I stared at Will, I thought maybe I could help him. It was stupid I know but I wished it could be true so badly.

The three seemed shocked to see him standing there. Todd most of all, as he narrowed his beady eyes and looked him over. It was as if they were assessing William.

“So, this is a surprise eh boys?” He moved towards Will slowly, the other two did not move. “What are you doing out here in the big bad woods all alone, pretty boy. Did you ditch your babysitters or what?” He was prodding Will, he had not changed one bit by becoming a vamp.

“You know why I’ m out here you piece of crap? You took her. Why can’t you just leave her alone, what’s your sick obsession with Corrine?” Will was balling up his fists, he wanted to hit Todd, and I knew it.

“Oh, now it’s not an obsession really, ah…I like to call it revenge; pay back, any number of terms will work really. Though really, it’s a job. I am one of the Dark coven now, and to appease Leo I will destroy her and give you to him. Why he wants you alive is still a

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