Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,127

laid my head down in the piles of pine needles in defeat. I had nothing left in me to go on.

“Go find them, please bring them back to me.” I whispered, and gave her Williams cell phone number. I could tell she did not want to leave me here. I was not a full blood but I could feel she knew when she did return with the Followers, I would probably be dead.

“Ok I will go the roads only over that hill. I know I can get a signal there, hang on Corrine please. I can get Doc and William here we can survive this ok, can you hear me?” She put a hand on my shoulder.

I only nodded and tried to muster up enough strength to speak.

“Go.” I whispered, and with that, she kissed my cheek and ran as fast as she could to the road.

I was alone now, and listened to the forest around me. I could still hear the river, flowing and crashing nearby. When we had arrived home for Thanksgiving, I had thought my world would be perfect. I was getting better, Will was getting better, life was supposed to be good now. I was now freezing, alone and dying.

I did not want to die alone, not here in these woods, not like this. If I had to go, I had hoped to have Will hold me. I was terrified. To my amazement, hot tears streamed down my ice-cold cheeks. If I could sleep and not wake, I figured that would be best. I had read about hikers and mountain climbers after getting lost or something fell asleep in the cold and just never woke up.

I accepted my fate now, no one was going to sweep in and save me, and I was alone and would stay that way. I tried to lose myself in memories I had of William. I hoped it would make me forget that I was dying cold and lonely. I tried to remember how happy we had been, and all the things we had wanted to do. He had been everything to me, it was hurting me to know I would never get to say goodbye.

Chapter 25

“William’s Point of View”

I waited as patiently as I could. Doc and the elders were taking forever tracking Leo, and the Dark vampires down. I knew we had to do this strategically or risk her life, and the Followers who came along to find Corinne. I paced the floors, watched the weather keep getting worse.

I hoped she did not try run away, in this weather. Doc was extremely concerned that she might, and with her loss of ability to keep her body temperature normal, it would be fatal. I knew Corrine was head strong, and if she got the chance to run, I knew she would. That was my greatest fear.

Doc finally after two days, came in to tell me that Taylor had located the Dark coven’s location. Doc had sent Taylor because he was a former navy seal, and highly trained in becoming invisible. Taylor had just returned with news that the coven was in the middle of some kind of meeting. The old stone house tucked back in the woods was full of Dark coven vampires.

Taylor had also over heard they were in an outrage, one of their own had escaped with Corrine, and they were nowhere to be found. I felt sick, at his news. I knew she would do it, I just knew it. I could not figure out who the dark vamp was with her. It made no sense; their kind never helped our kind, not ever. I felt my heart sink, my chest tighten. I could not help but think she was gone from me, forever.

This beautiful amazing creature had come into my life and stolen my heart. A heart I thought not capable love, or such emotions. Corrine swears I saved her, showed her life was worth living. In reality, she had saved me, and shown me how happy I could be. She was my love and my life. I could not breath without her, I did not want to.

Doc rushed us to his black Hummer, we had no time. If it was as Taylor had heard, Corrine was out in the freezing weather, and with a dark vampire. Roth and I left before the others. I could not wait a minute longer for them. Doc and Pratt would follow Tyler, and Riley, a few others would follow

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