Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,123

the area, even though people were use to this crappy weather. It would cause William and Doc to have trouble finding me. It was just my luck. I could see long spear like icicles forming on the window, it made me shake just to think how bone chilling cold it was out there.

I had not seen Sayann since she told me her story and vowed to try to help me. I feared Leo and Todd might have hurt her, since she talked to me. I was surprised she told me so much, and openly admitted to hating the Dark coven. I knew she had to have known they could easily read her mind, and have seen her telling me all of that. If they did hurt her, or worse I was to out of luck and I knew it.

I had no other options; she was my one and only chance at getting out of here. I knew though, it was really a pipe dream for me now. The hours that had passed since she talked to me had been bad. I was now so weak, turning over in my bed was a major struggle. I had no idea even if she did think up a plan for us to run away, how I would physically be able to do it.

I thought of my William as I lay there also, as he was always on my mind. I worried the strain of me being kidnapped would aggravate his already weak body as well. Doc never said if mental strain would affect him, but really doesn’t it affect everyone? I knew he must have been going insane not knowing if I was ok or even alive.

I worried I wouldn’t be alive for very much longer. Pratt’s words right before he started me on the serum rolled around in my head over and over. I had to be kept warm. I could no longer regulate my own body temperature. I had to have every dose of serum, and not miss one.

He never went into detail about what would happen if I did not get each dose or if it was stopped. He did not have to, that day as he spoke, each and every one of us we all already knew the answer. I would in fact die. This was so brutal, just when my life actually seemed to be getting maybe half way normal, something crappy always happened. It sucked to say the least. I was trapped here alone cold, with no hope of ever seeing William again, it was a real life nightmare.

I drifted off to sleep a short time later and woke up as a stream of sunlight broke through the curtains. I looked at my watch it was now 8am, the house was quiet. I did not know the habits of the Dark vampires yet, so who knew if they were all asleep or not right now. I really hoped they slept all day, like the vampires I knew of from old movies and stuff.

I knew of course not all vampires were the same; they each seemed to have different habits. I watched the sun illuminate the many dust particles floating in the air. I worried Sayann would not ever come back, until I heard the door’s lock take in a key, and she appeared smiling at me.

“I see you’re up already.” She smiled as she walked over to my bed.

“Yeah, it was a long night. I thought they did something to you, for telling me about your past life and how much you hated them all.” I tried to scoot up, to a sitting position, but it was no use my body was to weak.

“No, they were mad but I always make them mad. Leo yelled at me as well as his stupid sides kick Todd. How did you ever date an ass like that anyway?” She giggled.

“Good question, I don’t even know why myself.” I hated thinking about Todd, especially with him in the next room more than likely. I watched Sayann, as she got some pills out of a bottle and a cup of water.

“Don’t worry; it’s just Tylenol nothing too strong. I did some research on line, and we have to keep your fever under control, and keep you warm.”

“On line, they have that info on the internet?” I was a bit shocked, how could that be.

“Oh it’s not easy to find, you look at vampire web sites, and humans think those sites are bogus,

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