Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,120

alive to tell about it.” He walked to the door and slowly opened it.

“Todd, good to see you doing as told, how is our little house guest this evening?” I watched a tall and of course as all male vamps were attractive man walk in the room. He had the same wavy brown hair with blond highlights that Doc had. He looked like a slightly younger version of Doc; he had very similar facial features and eyes that were a very pale blue almost translucent looking.

I thought briefly about it, and then remembered just who this was. This was the brother Doc had disowned, the one who killed his beloved young wife and made him a vampire, this was Leo. I now under stood why Todd had such a reaction at hearing Leo’s voice, from all I had heard, he was a tyrant, an evil being who thrived on destruction and power. I tried to be still, and quit shaking from my chills. I watched him speak to Todd.

He was motionless as he was listening; two other vamps were behind Leo. One looked like he was a guard or something. The other was Kyle, Sian’s disgusting partner or mate as they were called. Kyle was much shorter than Todd was and physically inferior to him. He had beady eyes, and a long narrow face. He watched me, watching Leo and Todd, he made me uneasy. I could see why Sayann hated him; he gave of creep vibes big time. I looked down, I knew when Leo was done talking to Todd he would focus on me no doubt.

“Corrine, first let me say we are so happy to have you here.” He walked over to the side of my bed, and looked at me.

I was frozen in fear, his eyes were much like Vincent’s had been that night he almost killed William and me, they were solid black. I knew all vampires eye color changed with emotion and they got a darker shade of their original color when very upset, but Will had told me to be aware of vamps whose eyes were always black, without a hint of color. These were the most dangerous vampires in their world. They were pure evil. They had retained not one shred of their humanity, or morals from their past human lives.

“You are comfortable I trust?” I knew I had to answer; I was so not pissing off this guy.

“Uh… yes, I am fine thank you.” I looked down at my hands, afraid to look him in the eye. He might put me in a trance or something.

“Very good, so you are the one Doc’s favorite grandson adores and loves. I have heard much about you and William’s relationship. It is unfortunate for you, that we oppose any and all forms of relationships with our prey. My Vincent paid the highest price trying to get his son, your William to come back here and remember who he truly was.” He sighed.

“That price as you know was his life; Doc crossed the line doing so. Vincent was like a son to me, and I am still annoyed Doc killed him.” I had no idea what to say to that, so I looked down trying to avoid his creepy eyes.

“You need not fear my stare. I have no intentions of putting you in to a trance and drinking your blood just yet. You will know and be fully aware if I do decide to end your life.”

He moved closer and I felt his cool fingertip under my chin, pull my face up to look at him.

“You are indeed a lovely creature. I can see why our William is so taken with you, but…” He smiled at me shaking his head. “You and William cannot be, he is part of this coven, and will return to us or face his own death. I have allowed him to reside with Doc and his sickening band of Followers for much too long.

I indulged Vincent, when he swore to me William would return on his own, but as we all know now, he has no intentions of such a thing. Vincent was so attached to him that he gave him more freedom than any fledgling vampire should be allowed to have.”

I could feel my chest tighten. I closed my eyes. It was getting to hard to hide the pain from all of these people now, and it was getting worse. I knew Leo of all the vampires here, probably enjoyed

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