Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,106

cut into the pity party going on inside my head.

I saw a tender look from Doc as he watched me, damn it I always forgot those two could read my mind. I gave him a weak smile. He was feeling sorry for me. I could tell it in the way he looked at me now. Will had been silent only listening to his elder coven leaders, talking until now.

“I told you that woman means to harm Corrine, she is not safe here at all.” Will took my hand in his. Pratt got out a double dose of serum, and prepared a syringe to give me the high dose. I closed my eyes as he took my wrist in his hand. I barely felt the needle prick my skin.

“This, will help Corrine, it’s a minor setback.” He sighed putting the needle away. “This time, anyway. I agree with Will you are not safe here and we must not allow you to become upset again. One more thing like this, and I fear your heart, will not hold up under the strain.”

Pratt looked at Doc I could tell they were having a “mind” conversation as I called them. Will sat on the edge of my bed and cupped my cold hands in his. I had gone from being on fire to feeling so cold I could barely stand it. Doc and Pratt discussed in their own way, how best to handle this. They would talk to us when they were done.

They were the elders we respected them and let them handle this situation. Being as old as they were, they had more experience with dealing with humans and would know how to handle Sara and protect me. I was happy they seemed to always know what to do, because I know I didn’t.

“Has she been around you a lot since you got home?” Doc asked.

“No not really she stays down stairs or on her end of the house I think.” I tried to think of when she was around but my mind froze up when another pain crept up my spine. I gasped and put my head down. William wrapped his arms around me, and whispered into my ear, that it was going to be ok.

“Will, we need to get her in a semi up right position, so she can breathe better.” Will and Pratt adjusted the pillows and I did find it easier to breath, and the pain let up some. “Corrine you need to keep in that position. Laying down puts too much pressure on your lungs right now and any pressure on them must be avoided.” Pratt looked at Libby and Will then with more instructions.

“I also don’t want her getting cold either, she must be kept warm it is critical. She is losing her ability to maintain a core body temperature due to the venom in her system. Her heart still needs a body temperature above at least 75, or she will have heart failure. Libby I want her temp tracked from now on, and extra blankets brought in.”

“Yes Dr.Pratt, I will keep track of all her readings and put them in her chart for you. I would suggest a heating blanket perhaps, to help keep her warm?” Libby smiled, her curly hair pulled into a nurse like bun. I had to guess she had been barely twenty when she had become a vamp, she looked about as old as Will and I.

“William, I want you to stay with Corrine, at all times now, it’s not safe here with that lunatic step mother of hers lurking around this house. Pratt and I will get the arrangements for us to leave for France in order in the next two days. I want her out of this house as soon as we can manage to do it without raising too much suspicion.”

Doc began to put his black wool over coat back on even though cold did not bother him as a vampire of course. It had started to snow again, and the wind was howling outside. Pratt grabbed his coat as well preparing to leave. Plans had to be made, and I knew Doc and Pratt would waste no time making them.

“Yes William, Doc, and I agree that Sara may try something with Corrine being weak again. I do not want her alone in this house with that woman.” Pratt frowned and shook his head.

“No problem, I’m here pretty much all the time anyway. I will call my professors and

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