Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,92

was tired of running, tired of fighting, and tired of forcing a life not meant to live. It was past time to put an end to this senseless war and try to find a way to rebuild.

That wasn’t going to happen as long as fresh enemies continued to present themselves. Orlek flushed out those distracting thoughts and focused. Much of the snow had melted or had been trampled to the point it had become mud. There was no doubt the rebel force was on the trail of the Goblin army. What bothered him were the heavy sounds of an army preparing for battle. Goblins were bloodthirsty beasts as far as he was concerned, but they were hardly foolish. They had numbers and the advantage of being emplaced, forcing attackers to break on their defenses. From what he could tell, this new foe was moving their way.

Ironfoot’s axe flattened against Orlek’s chest, forcing him to stop abruptly. The Dwarf brought a finger up to his lips before Orlek could question the sudden move. Understanding, Orlek started to crouch behind the nearest tree. He brought his sword up and waited.

Ironfoot passed Boen a knowing glance and strode forward with his axe diagonal across his chest. The Gaimosian watched him go, confident in the Dwarf’s ability in this type of situation. He and Orlek waited in silence as the Dwarf disappeared into the foliage. A shout of alarm quickly followed. Figures could be heard rushing through the brush. Murmured words of excitement flowed back and forth in a harsh, guttural language Orlek didn’t understand.

They waited for so long Orlek felt his calf begin to cramp. The fervor died down, leaving him to believe Ironfoot had either been killed or taken prisoner. He was about to ask Boen why they were just standing doing nothing when Ironfoot returned, unharmed and unscathed. The grin on his face echoed immense relief.

“You can put your weapons up,” Ironfoot said with unusual smugness. “Boen, you’re not going to believe this.”

“Believe what?” Orlek finally asked in frustration.

A squad of Dwarves emerged from the building gloom. Each was armed for war. A more frightening sight Orlek had never seen. “By the gods,” he muttered.

“The gods have nothing to do with this,” Ironfoot replied. “Boen, Orlek, the army of Drimmen Delf has arrived.”

Reunions were conducted amidst the open-mouthed stares of several hundred rebels. Never before had the citizens of Delranan stood in the presence of so many different races. Elves, Dwarves, Minotaurs, a wizard, and a Giant. All allied with Delranan against the Goblin army. Many dropped to their knees in tears. Others warned that these were the end times at last. Dire warnings and predictions rippled throughout the small rebel army, now accompanied by over six thousand Dwarves and Minotaurs.

Nothol handed Dorl a mug of partially flat ale and gestured towards the meeting of leaders with his chin. “What do you make of this?”

“I don’t know. It all makes me think Anienam’s not the head case we’ve been playing him off to be. Why else would the Dwarves be here?”

Nothol agreed. Too much had gone wrong since arriving in Delranan for the sudden arrival of a massive combined army to be downplayed. He didn’t think their quest had been fruitless or mired in failure. They’d gained the Blud Hamr and defeated countless foes along the way while only suffering one casualty and one missing. Maleela’s loss stung Nothol most of all, but aside from that one incident in the Jungles of Brodein, their quest had been successful…thus far.

“Looks like we might stand a chance after all. Ironfoot’s buddies should make quick work of those Goblins,” Nothol told him. He’d hoped never to have to witness the awesome power of the army of Drimmen Delf unleashed again. There was nothing so terrible as watching cannons reap lives by the dozen from so far away.

Dorl shook his head. “It’s not natural. Those gunpowder weapons will change Malweir if other kingdoms learn the secrets.”

Nothol had nothing else to say. The Dwarves were likeable enough but contained savagery beyond imagination once provoked. Their prowess on the battlefield was rivaled only through technological innovation. Gunpowder might easily be the single most important discovery in the modern world. It didn’t take much to let imagination get the best of him. Nothol saw vast armies sweeping across the face of the world, bringing death on unprecedented levels.

“Let’s not worry about that. All we have to do is get the Hamr into the ruins in time to stop

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