Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,85

a luxury they hadn’t counted on until raiding the first of Harnin’s fortresses. The army scavenged all of the supplies and food they could find, a rare sack of winter green apples going directly to Rolnir. Those closest knew the general greatly appreciated the fruit. That wasn’t lost on him as he understood the desire of his soldiers to show appreciation for all that he’d done for them since the war began. Bringing any soldier home alive was cause for celebration.

“That doesn’t make them any less dangerous,” Aurec countered. “We’re here on specific purpose, Rolnir. These people, kinsmen or not, are our enemies. Each is capable of plunging a blade into our backs the moment we turn away.”

“I don’t believe so. Look at them. We’ve killed the majority of their friends. There’s no fight left in them.”

Aurec disagreed. He’d seen the fight people had when all they knew was threatened. His own people hadn’t given up even after their king lay dead and their city in ruins. Reminding one of those responsible for that calamity wasn’t proper etiquette, especially now that they were fast allies and becoming friends.

“A cornered dog bites most,” Aurec recited an old Rogscroft saying. He’d been that cornered dog but was able to find a way to turn defeat into victory, or what they hoped was about to become victory.

Rolnir nodded sagely. “Truth if I ever heard it, but that doesn’t solve our dilemma. These prisoners are going to have to come with us. We can’t afford to lose troop strength with taking them back to one of the redoubts and placing them under guard.”

“Agreed, but what value is there in forcing them to march with us? We’ll waste equal strength and time in making them march.”

There was wisdom in that, but choices were limited. Rolnir wasn’t going to allow his people to be senselessly slaughtered after they’d been taken prisoner, but neither was he willing to let them go about their merry way. The conundrum vexed him. He silently wished they’d have had the good graces to fight to the death instead of throwing down their weapons.

“Perhaps they can be turned?” Rolnir suggested.

Aurec paused. His brow knitted, he found the lack of thinking the matter through disturbing. His father never would have missed that. Then again, his father had the experience of over forty years on the throne and was expected to know such things. Aurec hadn’t been king for more than a month. Mistakes were to be expected, but he’d never admit it. He was king, and kings were meant to make difficult decisions on a moment’s notice.

“Turned how? You’ve seen the fanaticism they exhibit. Whatever Harnin and Badron did to them it is clear they are not the same innocent civilians you recall, my friend,” he finally said. “They are poisoned by lies and ill intent.”

“That may be so, but they are all we have to work with. If only a portion willingly join us I’ll consider it a victory.”

Aurec didn’t see any other viable option. Time was running out. The urgency he felt resonated through the army for reasons none could explain. Something dark, sinister was drawing near and forcing the army to pick up their pace. He didn’t know why, but the young king felt the inexplicable need to reach Arlevon Gale soon.

“Very well, General. Set your plan in motion. We need to be moving again,” the king commanded.

Rolnir finished speaking and patiently folded his arms across his chest. That patience was a façade, for he was most eager to get underway. The road to Arlevon Gale was short but would take doubly long now that his force had grown. Speed was an abandoned concept. Massive armies were only able to move at an insubstantial pace. He carried his gaze out across the sea of faces. Many were dazed, lost in the shock and despair of the battle’s aftermath. Others harbored hateful feelings. More, he was satisfied to see, clung intently on his every word.

Having said his piece, the general of the Wolfsreik turned and went back to his tent to determine the order of march. Not more than a few minutes later, before he even had time to sit, a runner came in with news. Rolnir accepted the missive with joy and hurried to find Aurec. Yet another wonder had fallen upon the army.

“All the way to the ruins?” Mahn asked.

Even the brash Raste seemed to choke on the orders. Aurec resisted the urge to grin, knowing he was likely

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