Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,79

behind Boen, intercepting a wild swing from a careless mercenary.

Bahr wheeled in a full circle, dangerously exposing his back. Fortunately his opponent hadn’t expected a second combatant and was off guard. Arm ringing from the shock of the blow, Bahr planted his feet and fended off a series of swings aimed at getting past his guard. The mercenary was skilled but not very experienced. Bahr all but disarmed him in three moves and swiped the tip of his sword across the enemy’s exposed throat. Blood sprayed. Sword dropped. The mercenary raised both hands to his throat, desperately trying to keep from bleeding to death. Bahr kicked him over backwards and hurried to find another target.

Back to back, he and Boen fought against several dark-clad attackers. Sparks showered off of angry swords. Bodies piled around them. The smell of blood and sweat tainted the air until nothing pure remained. All around the battle raged. Bahr guessed there must be hundreds of mercenaries all trying to kill as many rebels as possible. But why? Suicide made no tactical sense. Skaning would find no benefit in wasting so many lives. Bahr raised his sword to block and defect a forceful blow. His thoughts broken, the Sea Wolf was dragged back into the fight. Skaning’s plan would have to wait.

“You need to fall back, now!” Orlek shouted at Ingrid over the roar of approaching mercenaries. His demeanor had reverted entirely back to his days in the line infantry. A seasoned veteran, he’d hidden that fact from her until now.

She gave him a queer look at his sudden boldness and opened her mouth to protest. The hard look on his face was enough to quell any rising argument she might have. Ingrid reluctantly did as she was instructed and not a moment too soon. Dozens of mercenaries broke through the front lines and converged on her previous position. Orlek, having sensed their strategy, summoned those rebels nearest him and formed a solid defensive line. The mercenaries threw themselves upon the massed ranks of rebel fighters, all trying to win through and murder the rebel leader. Her blond hair made her stand out, even in the night.

The tactic was bold, but doomed to fail. Orlek snatched a man by his throat and drove his dagger deeply into the exposed belly. Shoving the dying mercenary backwards, Orlek left his dagger in the belly and brought his sword up. The enemy attacked with fury and passion he begrudgingly respected. Each had to know death was the only way out. That made them dangerous. Several rebels went down suddenly, exposing a small hole in the lines. Mercenaries poured through before Orlek rallied his forces to seal the gap.

He snatched the nearest rebel by the collar and roared, “Hold the line! No one else gets through or I’ll kill you myself!”

The stunned rebel nodded determinedly and turned his attention back to the battle. Orlek sprinted after the mercenaries, knowing who their target was. Heart pounding with dread, the rebel leader slashed diagonally downward and ripped open an unprotected back. The mercenary screamed in raw agony as his nerves were severed. Orlek ran past his falling form and shoved the next mercenary off balance.


Heads turned his way. Ingrid lunged forward to stab her attacker through the right eye. The squishy pop as her steel drove into his eye immediately sickened her. Orlek’s blade could be seen dancing through his enemy. Other rebels responded and closed in on their hated foe. Fueled by memories of Harnin’s harsh rule and campaign of oppression, the rebels killed with reckless abandon.

Boen ripped his sword from his latest victim and stared hard at the lone attacker still facing him. Defeated, the mercenary lowered his sword enough to stay Boen’s aggression. He reached up and removed the hood covering his hair and half of his face. Both Boen and Bahr stared back hard.

Skaning spat a mouthful of blood on the ground as he dropped his mask. “Bahr. I’ve hated you for so long, building up your image in my mind to rival that of your brother. How disappointing it is to look upon you now.”

Grinding his teeth, Bahr offered a wry grin. “Sorry but I don’t seem to recall ever seeing you before.”

“That’s Skaning, one of Harnin’s boy puppets,” Boen supplied.

Skaning’s eyes flared. His face tightened. “Ah, Gaimosian. I’ll enjoy it when your kind no longer contaminates the rest of the world. Killing you will be a pleasure.”

Boen responded with deep, booming laughter. “Be my guest. Better

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