Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,76

his wits. “Here I was worried over keeping the matter private and it’s been written on my face the whole time. What would you do in my place?”

“Dwarf women are slightly fiercer than Humans. They have a tendency to leave lumps on the skull. More than one warrior was forced to take a day of rest for being pigheaded.”

Orlek grinned. “Yourself included?”

The Dwarf captain shrugged and barked a laugh. “Never said I was perfect.”

“Excuse me, Commander, but Lady Ingrid has returned.”

Orlek returned the makeshift salute of the courier. “Thank you. Inform group leaders to ready the march. We should be leaving shortly. I want scouts and flankers assembled in ten minutes. We’re not stopping until we reach the ruins.”

Another salute and the courier was away, leaving Orlek and Ironfoot alone again. The Dwarf chewed idly on a green stem, giving Orlek time to get his mind right. Some things needed to be overcome internally. Hefting his axe, Ironfoot gave a chuckle and ambled back to his group. No doubt Bahr would have plenty to discuss upon his return. Fond memories of his wife waiting back in Drimmen Delf kept him warm while he walked.

He found Bahr, along with Boen, already talking with the others. Ironfoot was just as surprised as the rest had been upon seeing the Gaimosian back among them. He had quietly figured never to see the big man again. Few were capable of fighting off a few hundred determined enemies. Still, it did much for morale to have Boen back. Ironfoot doubted even the stalwart Vengeance Knight would be enough to help turn the tide.

“…way I figure it we need to come in slow under the cover of night. There are no maps of the ruins and I haven’t been there since I was child,” Bahr said and paused. “Ironfoot, is all well?”

“Aye, was just conversing with Orlek. When are we leaving?” the Dwarf answered.

“Now. We’re out of time.”

Drums began to beat, sounding the call to march. Bahr rolled up his parchment and stuffed it back into his shoulder pack. Rebels formed ranks for accountability before joining the long column of march. Bahr and his group stood off to the side at the head. Their task was the main focus with the rebels being secondary players. The Sea Wolf looked back over the hundreds of Delrananians waiting to make the fateful walk to what would amount to slaughter on a scale none could comprehend. He didn’t know why, but pride swelled in heart. He may not be the king, but these were his people nonetheless. Bahr found the task ahead slightly more manageable than a moment before.


Decision Point

Skaning folded his looking glass. Confusion twisted his features. He’d lost countless lives and valuable time in Harnin’s court attempting to hunt down first Ingrid and now Boen. Weeks lost on the vain pursuit of glory. His dreams of catching and killing the king’s brother while ending the rebellion would force Harnin to elevate him to a major leadership position, possibly next in line for the throne. That dream shattered like fresh ice striking stone.

He watched what had to be the full might of the rebel army assemble and strike east. There was no mistaking the Giant at the head of the column, meaning Bahr was with them. What dark alliance had they made and where were they going? Skaning wished he knew. His enemies had formed an alliance of convenience. His strength diminished to the point of combat ineffectiveness, Skaning could do little more than watch his dreams march under the boots of two thousand rebels.

His mercenaries presented another problem. Their last encounter with the Gaimosian turned many squeamish, forcing their dissent and the call for abandoning their job. Skaning had nothing to offer when they’d paid with nearly thirty lives. Many wanted to turn on Skaning and collect payment, thinking the rebels would be eager to have such a worthy prize presented. They spoke when they thought he wasn’t listening, but word spread quickly in small camps. Skaning decided there was but one move he could make before the mercenaries came for his head.

“Captain Arle, summon the command. We have new orders.”

The mercenaries, clearly unhappy with their lot, swore to conduct their task with their all. Never before had they been this close to their ultimate goal, and payment. Skaning had sent the word for all splinter cells to return to the main body. They raced ahead of the rebels, hoping to get into ambush position in time

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