Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,72

the reservoir of her heart and clung to it with all her might. Ingrid was a generally strong woman. After all she’d endured, from her husband’s death to Harlan’s massacre, she was the only one who had the ability to find a way to win. Bahr had given her the words necessary to carry on. The rest was up to her.

“Very well, what do I need to do?” she asked after wiping her tears away.

Bahr grinned. “That’s a girl. We might have a chance to win after all.”


Honor Due

The rebels gathered nervously as they waited on Ingrid. Word had shuffled through the makeshift camp to assemble almost as quickly as what had happened to Harlan’s column. Threats of desertion were rampant. Her officers struggled to maintain control despite their own misgivings. Everyone knew about the Goblin threat and it stretched the edges of their courage just to keep going day to day. The suddenness of their slaughter left many wondering just how much longer they could stomach a never-ending war.

Ingrid slowly walked up onto the small platform a pair of former carpenters had made and surveyed her crowds. This wasn’t how she wanted to speak with her people. They deserved better than a figurehead separated from them. Ingrid shocked Orlek and Bahr by climbing down from the platform and walking into the center of the camp. She spied Groge, the young Giant, at the back of the crowd. The innocence on his face was refreshing.

She raised her hands to quiet the chorus of murmurs, speaking only after silence settled over them. “My friends, it grieves me to confirm what most of you have already known. Harlan and his company have been killed. We suspect the Goblins did it, but haven’t been able to confirm so yet. I know many of you had friends, even family, in his units. Nothing I say can bring them back so I won’t try. I won’t insult you by saying they died for the kingdom or for you. They were ruthlessly murdered by our enemies.”

Several broke out in cries. Others wailed their grief. Ingrid felt her heart burn with each raised voice. She wanted to join them but couldn’t. Bahr had called it right. The rebellion needed her to be strong for them all.

“I know the urge to run away is in many of your hearts, for I once felt it too. My heart can only handle so much, but as easy as it would have been for me to abandon you under the cover of darkness I couldn’t. You deserve better. We all deserve better. I won’t make promises of vengeance. What I do offer is the opportunity to avenge your loved ones. To preserve their memories through your deeds. Your valor. The old kingdom is dead. It falls upon us to recreate the world as we see fit. The question is not who wants to go into battle beside me, but who will?”

Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, the rebels broke out in ragged applause. Ingrid felt a great weight pulled from her. They were battered, beaten, and pushed to the breaking point, but the rebels of Delranan carried an unquenchable spark. Their kingdom was in flames. Their backs threatening to break. As easy as it would have been to turn and run, not a single person listening to Ingrid moved.

They realized that they were all that was left to defend and protect the people. Should they abandon sword and spear, the people of Delranan would methodically be wiped from existence. Not a soul among them was willing to let that happen, not without fighting to the last beforehand. Ingrid’s heart swelled with pride. The sting of losing so many, and such a close confidant as Harlan, lessened ever so slightly. She felt pride again at the fighting spirit of her people. Bahr was right. They didn’t look to him, for they never had. All eyes were fixed on her, eager to see how she handled the situation and took them to the next level.

“Sleep well this night, for it will be our last for some time. Tomorrow I intend on taking a small force to bury the remains of our friends. We will pause to give memory to their lives and deeds. After that we march with Bahr to the ruins of Arlevon Gale and meet our enemies head-on! We fight for the future of our very race.”

She paused as cheers ringed the crowd again. “I will not order you to follow blindly.

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