Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,7

Casualties threatened to be high if Piper decided on them. Without knowing the depth and capacity of Harnin’s army, Piper was loath to trade lives for ground.

Heavy infantry offered a different scenario. Slow and unwieldy, they were armed enough to render every living soul within the fort dead without much trouble. Strength in numbers often relied on interlocking shield walls on the open plain. That specialized defense was immediately rendered useless the moment they breached the walls. Conversely, their armor and weapons were enough to literally crush any opponent.

“I want archers to slip down within range as soon as it gets darks. They’re to begin firing to cover the infantry attack.”

The scout nodded again. “What about them engineers? Oden won’t be too pleased with getting shot at while his boys are busy filling in holes.”

“He’ll get over it. The engineers need to employ without cover. We can’t risk giving away our attack plan while they prepare the way,” Piper said and grinned.

“I’m sure he’ll come looking for you,” the scout said and shrugged. The move was well rehearsed, too well for Piper’s comfort.

“Good. I need to see him immediately. Time is slipping away from our advantage. Get the archers emplaced.”

The sergeant saluted crisply and wheeled about.

“Sergeant, has there been any word of General Vajna’s return?” Piper asked, already knowing the answer.

The scout shook his head and kept walking.

* * * * *

“Well, my friend, this appears to be the end of our time.”

Venten stood erect, gazing up at his former pupil and friend-turned king. He’d done all he could for young Aurec but it didn’t feel enough. The kingdom was slowly rebuilding, but from the raw chaos Badron and his Goblin horde visited it would be decades before Rogscroft returned to any semblance of normalcy. The purifying mission into Delranan would not only remove a tyrant from the throne, but secure Rogscroft’s western borders for at least another generation provided Aurec and Rolnir found a suitable candidate for the throne.

The former general–now advisor--struggled with his emotions. He’d been around Aurec since the boy was born. Guiding, leading, scolding when necessary, Venten was the epitome of what a mentor should be. His love for the freshly crowned king of Rogscroft went beyond vocalization. The boy was like a son to old Venten.

“This is not the way I would part company, Aurec,” Venten said before his voice betrayed him.

“It is what’s best for the kingdom. I need to accompany General Rolnir and the army. Rogscroft needs you to come out of retirement, Venten. I can’t imagine a snake like Paneolus worming his way back into politics with all of us away.” Aurec winced at the memory of dismissing the self-serving politician only weeks before. He started thinking more severe actions should have been taken.

Venten frowned. “Paneolus doesn’t have the backing to make a bid for the throne. He’s more vulture than opportunist. A lesser man can defend Rogscroft while the army is deployed. I won’t ask again. Allow me to accompany you on this campaign.”

Though it hurt him to do so, Aurec couldn’t allow Venten to tag along. “I can’t, Venten. Rogscroft needs your experience. There’s no telling how long it’s going to take to subdue Harnin and find Badron. The kingdom can’t be left without strength. I do not ask this of you lightly. You’ve been my conscience whispering in my ears for many years. I am going to miss you.”

Satisfied yet disappointed, Venten stretched out and took Aurec’s hand. “You’ve grown into a fine person, Aurec. Your father would be proud. I’ll do my best to keep reconstruction on pace. Hopefully we’ll at least have the rubble cleared away by the time you return.”

Hundreds of villagers and refugees were already streaming back to the capital city. The thousand-strong detachment of Rogscroft soldiers left behind were immediately responsible for not only housing the incoming personnel but finding appropriate work for each. If Rogscroft was to be rebuilt it was going to be through the combined efforts of every single citizen capable.

“I’ve never had any doubts as to your qualities, Venten. Neither did my father. You’re the best qualified to…to rule in the event I don’t return.”

Aurec’s voice trailed off. After all they’d been through, from stealing Maleela away from Chadra Keep in the middle of the night to routing the Goblin army out of Rogscroft, Aurec seldom bothered thinking on death. If Lord Death chose to claim him there was nothing the fledgling king could do to prevent it. Standing on

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