Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,61

dead before you can try.”

The Goblin paused. He cocked his head, attempting to see how much resolve the small woman actually had. Slowly, Thrask began to laugh. “You are brave, perhaps. We will see just how much when the Wolf soldiers attack.”

“The Wolfsreik is your concern, not mine. We have our orders. The ruins are less than a day’s march if we move at full speed through the night. Our army needs to be in place and ready to defend shortly after arrival. Is that understood?”

Her sword waivered slightly, as if strained from the weight of holding it there for so long. Thrask knew he could easily shove the blade aside and tear her tiny figure apart without much effort despite her foolish notion of invincibility. “Goblins will do their jobs. No worry.”

“Then I suggest you get my army moving. Time is against us,” Maleela threatened. She sheathed her sword in a display of power meant to be witnessed by the growing throng of warriors around them.

Thrask backed down. The Goblin Lord was entrenched enough in his power he didn’t fear losing it. All he needed to do was remain calm until Maleela’s attention was diverted. Then he’d be able to reclaim leadership and bring havoc to the world of Men.

The refugee column stretched out for almost half a league. Hundreds of families had packed all of their belongings, gathered as much supplies as possible, and joined the long wagon train south to escape the ravages of war. Dogs, cows, goat, and horses followed the winding column as it gradually made the long trek out of Delranan. Hope, what little remained, propelled them onward. Children sat quietly behind their parents. There was no sign of merriment. No laughing or playing. Each refugee focused solely on leaving the harsh reality of their homes behind. Nothing else mattered.

The column master, a self-appointed position claimed by the head master of one of the larger villages, drove them tirelessly down the snow-covered lane. Had he the necessary military training he would have sent out scouts and flankers. Instead he decided that pulling the refugees as close together as possible offered better protection in addition to peace of mind. A practical person, he tried to maintain order in the name of them all.

Unfortunately it wasn’t enough. Lack of foresight left him vulnerable to attack. His world exploded slightly after dusk while the column was attempting to make camp. Short, grey-bodied Goblins swarmed from behind tree and rock with weapons flailing. Women, and more than one man, screamed, trying to break and run. It wasn’t enough. The Goblin army marched straight into the long column without intending to halt. Nothing Maleela, or Thrask, said was strong enough to keep them from breaking ranks and slaughtering the refugees.

Every living soul was murdered as the Goblins rampaged through them. A handful of stragglers managed to gather their wits and hide before the horde ran over them. They watched in abject terror as their friends and neighbors were slaughtered for sport. Goblins laughed as they toyed with frightened children or bit into exposed throats. The smell of blood filled the air. A hush smothered the night, as if the gods were holding their breath in disbelief.

Sated from their earlier feast of butchered rebels, the Goblin army largely left their victims in the snow. Having no need for meat they wiped their cruel blades clean of blood and gore. Others set about desecrating the dead, turning their corpses into mockeries of what once had been. Arms were hacked off and shoved down throats. Women were stripped and carved upon. Depravity meant little to a race bent on the very destruction of the Human race.

Maleela watched it unfold with disgust. Her stomach rebelled, emptying twice on the blood-stained snow. As much as she wanted to command them to stop and resume the march she instinctively knew she couldn’t without losing any gains she’d made from her confrontation with Thrask earlier. No fool, she recognized his acquiescence for what it was: simple posturing to allow her the pretense of being in charge. If she jumped in now and got involved she’d be sealing her fate. Goblins had no love for her, abiding her command only through the insistence of the Dae’shan. Given a choice they’d slaughter her for sport. Maleela stood on a very narrow edge. One wrong decision and she was dead.

“A good day,” Thrask barked deeply as he strode up to her. Drying blood coated the front of his armor.


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