Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,54

the battle quickly and see to the rest of the fort. He was forced back another step as his attacker launched a series of blows. It had been a long time since Piper met his match with another swordsman. The challenge was appreciated at a fundamental level even as he snarled at having such difficulty.

Deciding quickly to let his opponent think he had the upper hand, Piper reeled backwards. Taking the bait, the other soldier charged foolishly. Piper ducked back from a blow aimed at his neck and drove the hilt guard into the man’s throat. Blood fountained from the wound, telling Piper he’d struck the jugular. The enemy soldier dropped his sword and reached for Piper’s throat. Hot fingers curled around his neck before he managed to punch a knee into the soldier’s groin. Dazed and bleeding out, he fell back enough for Piper to deliver the merciful death blow.

Piper’s breath was ragged. He looked around for another combatant but saw the battle had moved well beyond his tiny circle of influence. The main quarters were already on fire. More than a score of enemy had surrendered. Others were being forced to their knees and stripped of any weapons or personal possessions. He’d ordered his infantry not to take any chances until the final assault ended. Soldiers carried fallen comrades back through the gates, their bodies covered in cloaks. Medics treated those less severely wounded. Only a handful appeared to be seriously hurt. Piper winced as one soldier was carried past. The bandages swathed over the stump of his right leg were soaked through and dripping.

“Commander Joach, one of the prisoners talked,” a grime-covered sergeant told him between half breaths. He bled from several small cuts across his right cheek.

Piper noticed the wounds and thought they could only have been made by fingernails. Why in the world would these people do this to themselves? Is Harnin truly that powerful? “Very well, bring him to me. I trust he’s not as obstinate as the fool in the first capture.”

The sergeant could only shrug as he’d still been en route with the main body when Piper and the vanguard made the first assault. He left and returned with the prisoner before Piper was able to finish drinking form his canteen. Disappointed, Piper put the cap on and replaced it in the holder strapped to his waist.

“I’m told you have information to give,” he began with as much authority as he had left. Truthfully he was much too tired to give a damn. The prisoner would talk or he’d find one who would. “Don’t waste my time.”

“No sir, I won’t.” The prisoner clearly recognized Piper, a fact he hoped to turn to his advantage. “Commander Joach, we didn’t want to fight but the commander told us we was all going to be slaughtered by them heathens from the mountains. Been plenty of talk about them Pell Darga since you all marched to war back in the fall. None of us fancied being caught by them. It wasn’t until we noticed there was nothing but Wolfsreik that some of the boys decided to throw down our arms.”

“Admirable but unconvincing,” Piper snapped. “What makes you different from the others we’ve encountered thus far?”

“Sir, I don’t kill my own. I was once active duty. Served in the cavalry a few years back but mustered out due to my bad leg. Rider ain’t no good if he can’t ride. So I joined the reserves. A lot of the boys here done the same thing.”

“Those would be the wise souls who surrendered I assume.”

The prisoner nodded fervently. “Sure enough. We know a beating when one is due. Badron forced us here. Don’t think many of us wanted this posting.”

Piper exchanged surprised looks with his sergeant. Had he misheard? “Badron? That’s impossible. The king hasn’t been seen or heard since we ran him out of Rogscroft. You must be mistaken, trooper.”

“No sir, I ain’t. Was King Badron who gave us our marching orders. He come back one night not long ago and dueled old One Eye in front of the rest of us. Killed the bastard too. Bout time I says. He’s been a wicked one since this all began.”

Dead? Could it be? Piper wasn’t one for gossip, despite it being a soldier’s best friend. This sudden information was as unexpected as it was welcome. Badron was a minor threat without much backing, or had been until now according to the prisoner. Yet another twist threatened to alter

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