Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,51


Again there was no answer. Bahr’s only option was to either try and sneak into the Keep or ride back to link up with Ingrid and Anienam. He didn’t relish either. The mystery of what had happened in Chadra Keep would have to wait, for his sole purpose now lay in stopping the Dae’shan from destroying the world. With heavy heart, Bahr closed his looking glass and turned back to his horse. He’d seen all he needed to. It was time to get back to the others.

He found them halted along a small stream several leagues east of their last position. Their spirits buoyed upon seeing Bahr again, so soon after his departure. Dorl secretly thought the Sea Wolf was gone forever and with good cause. No sane person would want to stick around to end of the quest. Only heartache and suffering awaited. The sell sword smiled and clasped Bahr’s forearm.

“Welcome back.”

“Dorl, did I miss anything?” Bahr asked. He carefully avoided any conversation that might lead to his discovery. Some pains were too near the surface to be exposed readily.

Dorl opened his mouth and shut it just as quickly. Whatever question he had on his tongue stayed there. “The wizard’s grumbling again. Something about a proper meal. Ingrid doesn’t seem inclined on stopping for the night, however. It appears dinner is going to have to wait until after this mess is ended.”

“We’re a day and a half away from the ruins,” Bahr said. “Far enough away to risk camp fires but close enough to begin worrying about scouts. Caution is prudent.”

“Clearly you’ve failed to be around the wizard on an empty stomach.”

“I’m old, not stupid,” Bahr said and laughed.

The casual banter lightened the dread in his heart. The silence of his long ride back left him eerily disturbed, enough to have him constantly looking over his shoulder as if enemy eyes were upon him. Clearly Delranan was no longer his home. It was a strange, violent kingdom in which life and death were mere whim blown on the wind.

Dorl shrugged. “That remains to be seen. I think we all need to be a bit touched. What other explanation is there for sticking around this long?”

Bahr looked deep into Dorl’s eyes. He’d neglected the sell sword’s personal feelings this whole time, intent only on his own. Yet another oversight I must correct. “Dorl, I’ve been wrong to you. I know you want to leave and I don’t blame you. This quest, I fear, will claim all of our sanity before the end. Hard times demand hard people. There are no finer people I’d rather have with me at this hour.”

Dorl jerked back, a minute gesture but enough for Bahr to notice. Doubts sprang to life, prompting Bahr to wonder if his friend and loyal companion was already too far gone. “I…I don’t know what to say. The gods know I am ready to hang up my sword and abandon this life. All we’ve done shows me that death is the only way out. How can we possibly succeed when so much hatred is allied against us?”

“It’s been my experience that all are mired with petty hatreds. Overcoming them will be difficult and, as we’ve theorized, some of us might die, but we owe it to the rest of the world to stand up and fight for our beliefs. I can go to war but I can’t win without your support. You and Nothol have been my two most valuable assets since I hired you in Stouds.” Bahr shifted his weight to his opposite foot. Too many long hours in the saddle left his back sore and his legs restless. “Do you still have my back?”

Dorl didn’t want to respond. He wanted to take Rekka and flee south. Avoid the terrible fate the gods had decreed for them. But as much as it soothed his fragile conscience to want to leave, Dorl knew he couldn’t. Too much of his life was invested in those around him. He glanced over at Nothol, who pretended not to be eavesdropping. Rekka stood quietly beside the wizard, both staring in the opposite direction. Only Skuld dared look him in the eye, at least until the young thief noticed Dorl staring back and quickly dropped his gaze.

These are my friends. As much as I’d like to claim otherwise, I know I can’t abandon them now. All of our hardships and pain will have meant nothing if I choose to leave. Dorl scoffed at his cowardice. What

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