Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,49

of both himself and Ingrid. Hooking up with him might have been her smartest move since abandoning Chadra. The rebellion needed hard people like Orlek. Delranan needed him.

Thoughts of his ancestral home disturbed the Sea Wolf. A very small part of his mind admitted missing his estate, and especially the Dragon’s Bane. Rumors and accounts of what had befallen Chadra bothered him more than he was willing to accept. All of his favorite childhood areas were more than likely destroyed. If Ingrid’s reports were correct, all but the Keep was gone. Bahr suddenly understood what needed to be done in order to clear his conscience and liberate his dreams.

“Ingrid,” he called softly. As good as it felt to be back in the saddle again, Bahr found himself almost missing their beat-up wagon.

She fixed him with her blue eyes, sparkling in the midday sun. “Yes, Captain?”

“How close do you figure we are to Chadra?”

“You can’t be serious,” she replied as her face visibly paled.

I wish I wasn’t. There’s too much pain and heartache waiting for me back home. Sadly, I can’t see any other way out and I owe it to my friends. “I need to see it. I need to know what Harnin and our enemies have done, if for no other reason than my peace of mind.”

“Peace of mind?” Orlek asked. His voice echoed traces of impatience and…something else Bahr couldn’t determine.

“Bahr, you don’t understand what happened there,” Ingrid replied with shaky voice. “The sheer horror of…Bahr, I’m begging you, don’t go back home again. You won’t like what you find. The old Chadra is gone.”

“I understand that, Ingrid, but it’s something I must do. I…I can’t explain why,” he stammered softly. An old hurt resurfaced, causing more pain than he was willing to handle. “I may have turned my back on my family and my rights as firstborn son, but, as you are fond of reminding me, I am still a part of this kingdom. The only way to clear my mind is to see my city.”

Orlek’s face darkened at the memory of his final look at what little remained of Chadra. The rings under his eyes from lack of sleep made him look decades older. “It’s a dead city, Bahr. You’ll be dead as well if you dare step foot there.”

“He’s right. Harnin is a monster. He’s lost all control and any sense of morality he once possessed. You’re wanted. I’m sure he has a special death in mind for you and your friends.” Ingrid shook her head, failing to understand what would possess a person as intelligent as Bahr to willingly stride into death’s grasp.

Bahr smiled weakly. “Death holds no promise for me. Lord Death will come at his own good choosing. Live or die, I need to ensure I’ve done all I can to help this quest succeed. I don’t expect you to….”

“To what? Understand? You old fool. I once thought you were the hope of our kingdom. Clearly I was mistaken. Whatever demons you’ve confronted on your quest, they have claimed the best parts of you and left a broken soul in your place. I understand more than you ever will. I was there during the plague. I was there during the Wolfsreik raids that killed scores of my friends. Where were you? Off pretending to save the world?” Ingrid was breathing so hard she found it difficult to speak. Her shoulders heaved from the exertion of her speech. That anger once gave her focus, but now left her feeling deflated. The sudden urge to break down and cry conflicted with her emotions. “I watched Chadra die even as I tried to salvage it. Bahr, whatever it is you think you need to prove, it is a lie. Focus on your quest. Perhaps then you will be able to deliver Delranan the salvation it needs.”

Rebuked, the Sea Wolf stiffened his back and rode forward. Too many times over the course of the quest he’d been forced to abandon his own good instincts in the name of the greater good. While he found it nonsense, knowing there were a great many things he might have done differently, Bahr decided the greater good was what was important. Personal desires meant little if the world was about to fall. Trying to convince Ingrid or Orlek of that would be a monumental waste of his time. Time he didn’t have.

“There is nothing you can say that will dissuade me, Ingrid. I need to see Chadra for myself. I’m

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