Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,39

try and restore order to this once great land. Are you willing to do that for me?”

Iocta rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he digested Venten’s words. A lifelong carpenter, he’d never bothered sticking his neck out beyond the circumference of his business. Now he was one of the more prominent advisors to rebuilding an entire kingdom. The responsibility was enough to force him to the cups. He appreciated Venten’s return, making his decision almost too easy. “I will keep the crews at work. Like you say, this is our kingdom too.”

It was a minor victory but one Venten claimed vigorously.

* * * * *

“Commander Joach departed shortly before your arrival, sire,” General Vajna said with a flare of disappointment.

King Aurec and General Rolnir exchanged deceptive glances. Clearly the decision to part their two most successful commanders hadn’t been an easy one to arrive at, but both felt it was in the army’s best interests. They hadn’t expected such stiff resistance among Harnin’s forces. Devoting time, effort, and personnel to the current problem distracted from the overall objectives both had set forth before departing Rogscroft, but was a necessary part of the reconquest campaign.

Aurec addressed Vajna’s concerns. “General, I fully trust in your ability to defeat the enemy. If anything, our task is made more difficult with this line of fortresses.”

“All the more reason to keep the vanguard together. We’ve already taken out one of these monstrosities. How much harder can the others be? The lads know what to expect now. Give us a week and the entire eastern sector will be broken wide open.”

“Making Piper the correct one for this task. However, that doesn’t mean I can afford to squander another general, especially not one of your experience and caliber, Vajna,” Rolnir said. “You’re more valuable to me, and the army, here.”

Sense of importance suddenly inflated, Vajna felt humble. “This doesn’t sit well with me, but I am honored in your opinion, General.”

Problem solved, Aurec was able to continue, “Vajna, the army has occupied the foothills and immediate plains along the Murdes Mountains. As we speak, columns are forming for the push into the heart of Delranan. I’ll lead one, Rolnir another, and you the last. Our objective the retaking of Chadra Keep. Do not stop. Do not wait. Attack with all possible aggression. Crush any who stand in your way.”

“What of the other two columns? Surely we can’t accurately coordinate our movements spread out across a third of the kingdom,” Vajna protested.

“A calculated risk we must take,” Rolnir said.

Vajna studied king and general while he contemplated what was about to happen. In theory it should all work. Harnin had a skeleton force at best, no more than seven thousand with a large portion dedicated to the defensive line. The rest would be spread out in vain efforts to engage the rebellion. He saw opportunity to win the war and be home before the spring.

“When do we attack?”

Aurec smiled. “All three columns are presently lining in order of march. They will push out under cover of darkness where we will each ride out to assume control.”

“Our departure point will be here, at the ruins of Arlevon Gale. The army will splinter in two days’ time. Once each column reaches Chadra they will encircle the city, thus pinning loyalist forces within,” Rolnir explained. “Good luck, General.”

“And to the both of you,” Vajna replied. His heart was lighter than it had been for a long time. Confidence swelling, the old soldier felt invigorated enough to finish his portion of the crusade and finally head home for much-needed rest.

“How does it feel to be home?” Aurec asked Rolnir once the formality of tactics was finished.

“Not as good as it will be once I discover whether my house is still standing or not,” the redhead general of the Wolfsreik replied. In truth he dreaded his homecoming, knowing he and the other officers in his command had been branded traitors. How many families had already been rounded up and put in slave labor gangs or, worse, murdered in their beds while the army was busy in another kingdom?

“I can’t make any promises, though I sincerely hope your kingdom isn’t in as much disarray as my own,” Aurec answered. Barely twenty-one, the boy king was beginning to sound more like a seasoned professional. War and the hard cruelty of winter helped forge him into the king Rogscroft needed. Hard when necessary and compassionate when the situation called for it, Aurec was well on the path to

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