Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,25

for a quick victory slip away. He was going to have to get results the hard way. More than half of the enemy force was already in view and there they stopped. Boen froze. Where were the others? Did Skaning suspect a trap and slip them up? Boen had no way of knowing, not without speaking to one of the mercenaries. A spark lit. He grinned. The Gaimosian watched as the mercenaries broke off and headed towards a suitable camp site. Settling down until true dark, Boen waited to make his move.

The armor was slightly too small and it chafed him awfully. The mercenaries didn’t seem inclined to indulge in personal hygiene he presumed. Adjusting the gauntlets on his wrists, Boen resisted the urge to scratch. He needed to blend in if there was any chance of getting away with his scheme. Feigning confidence, Boen emerged from the dark and strode up to one of the four fires in the enemy camp. He’d never done anything so brash. The exhilaration quickened his heart. Made him feel young again. Young or incredibly foolish.

“Too damned cold for this sort of work.”

“Quit griping. We’re getting paid ain’t we?”

“Not enough. That damned fool got us ranging all across the middle of nowhere and for what? A single rider?”

“A big one too.”

“You seen how quick he was when he hit our camp? Coulda killed the lot of us and that’s a fact.”

“You fool. If he wanted to kill us he’d a done so. I ain’t never seen a fella fight like that. Like he was possessed.”

“Some folk say demons haunt these parts.”

“Demons. Pah! You’ve been at the bottle again? Skaning’ll have yer head if he finds out.”

“I ain’t been drinking. Just repeating what some of the locals been saying.”

“I’ve seen demons.”

The speakers stopped and turned to the newcomer. Boen met their gazes unflinchingly. The only way his plan was going to work was by trying to blend in.

“What do you mean? You been drinking too?” the pock-faced mercenary asked and scowled. Half of his right ear was missing as well as a good patch of hair from his scalp.

Boen shrugged. “I ain’t seen a drink in too long. Sitting my ass in the saddle for so long I almost forgot what it tastes like.”

The other mercenary, younger and with a foul complexion, frowned. “See! He knows what I mean. Demons and monsters hiding in the forests.”

“There ain’t no demons!” Pock Face scolded.

Boen persisted, acting the part. “Maybe not around here, but I seen some.”

“Where?” Pock Face insisted.

“Down in the jungles. Nasty bastards they were, too.”

Scarface, the younger mercenary, barked a shrill laugh. “You ain’t never been in the jungle.”

Boen spun on the smaller man. His fists clenched, the Gaimosian rose a little higher on the balls of his feet and leaned forward. “You calling me a liar, boy?”

Realizing his mistake, Scarface immediately backed down. “No, uh…I was just sayin is all. Folks all have tales of monsters and such.”

“I seen what I seen and don’t need some snot-nosed kid claiming different. We’re not going to have problems, are we?” Boen pressed.

Scarface threw his hands up and fervently shook his head. “Not from me.”

Boen gave a curt nod. “Good. Now where was we?”

“Talking on heading into them woods to rout our prey,” Pock Face answered smoothly, relishing the rebuke of his younger companion. “I heard tell Skaning wants us to go in tonight.”

“I don’t fancy tackling that bastard at night,” Boen replied. “Did either of you get a good look at him this morning?”

Scarface shook his head again, much slower this time.

“I did. Bigger than an ox he was,” Pock Face said. “Not the sort I’d want to run up against in the dark. You might be able to take him, or at least give him a good run.”

Boen froze. He forced his hand away from his sword. There was no way he’d be able to fight his way clear of the entire camp if he was discovered. “I may be big but I ain’t stupid. We got archers for that sort of work.”

“Archers ain’t no good at night.”

“I don’t reckon they are but neither is my courage. I don’t want to die until after I get paid,” Boen said quickly, hoping to distract them before idle minds began thinking.

Pock Face bit back a laugh. “Don’t matter none. Skaning hisself is taking ten of the lads to try and get this bastard tonight. With a little luck we’ll be done with this game and heading back

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