Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,17

rescue Maleela from Rogscroft. Deliberate, cunning, those foul creatures manipulated the kingdom and brought war to the north.”

“For what purpose? What value do I hold in their plans?” Bahr asked. Cold fingers of dread danced over his flesh, as if Lord Death stalked right behind.

Anienam turned his head. The rag covering his eyes was frayed and ragged. “You are the key to all of this. Your blood holds the power to stop the dark gods, or release them.”

“I don’t understand. I’m just a man, Anienam. There’s nothing special about me. What could I possibly do to affect these immortal beings?” Bahr protested but deep inside he recognized the truth in those words. He’d felt haunted his entire life. Always running from what might have been, never taking the time to fully embrace what he should have been.

“But you’re not. You are so much more. I’ve studied the ancient histories. Each of the three nexuses is centered around powerful bloodlines. Yours is the last. The Dae’shan know this. Through your blood they intend to release the power of the Olagath Stone. Thousands of captured souls will tear the fabric between time and space. Their screams will open the gates to our realm of existence and release the dark gods.”

Skuld, sitting open-mouthed in shock, found the courage to speak. “Why is he headed towards the danger? He should be halfway across the world by now.”

Anienam smiled softly, quietly approving the youth’s growing sense of understanding. He’d grown much since sneaking aboard the Bane all those months ago. Anienam envisioned a grand future for Skuld. All he needed to do was reach out and claim it.

“He travels with us because he must. Bahr’s blood is important, yet it also flows within his brother’s veins, and within his niece. Any of the three can be used to doom or save Malweir. Bahr needs to go to Arlevon Gale.” There he will confront his deepest fears. I only pray his strength of conviction is enough. Otherwise….

“So I am to confront my brother after all,” Bahr concluded. He’d avoided Badron for decades, always staying beyond the scope of vision, yet ever a step ahead of his brother’s plotting and schemes. It seemed all of his careful planning was crashing to the ground.

“If he still lives,” Anienam said. “Who can say what has happened since we’ve been gone? All we know is that Harnin One Eye has usurped the throne and seeks to transform Delranan into a kingdom of pure chaos. I believe this to be a diversion intended on keeping us distracted enough so that we fail to keep sight of the true goal.”

“The ruins,” Boen added. “Anienam, that’s all well and fine but we’re not going to make it to the ruins with Skaning’s soldiers hounding us like this.”

“He’s right,” Nothol added. “We need to change the plan.”

“There’s a village not far from here,” Bahr suggested. “We might be able to blend in if we can reach it far enough ahead of Skaning.”

“With a Dwarf and Giant in tow?” Ironfoot scoffed. “I think you overestimate the simplicity of your people, Bahr.”

“The Dwarf has a point, but it’s a chance we should take,” Boen said.

Bahr scratched the stubble growing on his upper lip. He didn’t like the idea of heading back into another town, especially considering how poorly they’d fared in every village and town on their trek. One calamity after another befell them, from Chadra to Teng. He dreaded learning what new twist the Dae’shan had in store for them in the upcoming village but it was a risk he felt they needed to take. Only a few days remained before the day when the Dae’shan would attempt their ritual. Only a few days to decide the fate of the world.

“We make for the village. I want camp packed up and ready to move an hour before dawn,” he ordered. “The faster we get there the less chance of Skaning being able to counter our plans. Not even he is foolish enough to risk a battle in the middle of a village deep in rebel territory. We might just find a few allies along the way.”


Difficult Decisions

True to his plans, Bahr had the group up and moving well before the first wave of sunlight cracked the curtain of darkness. They pushed their already weary animals harder, hoping each beast had the strength to carry them to the final destination. Bahr’s route since departing Ingrid and the rebellion was a parallel course due south of Chadra

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