Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,146

my own, nor her father’s.

“If anyone deserves this moment it is you,” he said.

She stopped and looked him in the eyes. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

Letting out a deep breath, Bahr replied, “After the wedding. I’ve done all that was asked of me and it is time to move on. Don’t think I won’t return to check up on you from time to time, though. You may be a queen but you’ve not a quarter of the experience I do.”

“I’ve only just now gotten you into my life, Uncle. I don’t know what to say,” Maleela said while trying to keep the tears from coming.

Bahr embraced his niece for the last time. Sadness clung to the corners of his eyes. “I love you, child. Your mother would have been proud of you. Now go, before you make this old man cry. You’ve a husband to accept.”

“Thank you, Uncle,” Maleela said and hugged him fiercely around the neck.


The roads wound across the face of the world, stretching endlessly in sheer amazement for Skuld. Born a street rat in Chadra, he was now a hero of the realm, whatever that meant, and a valuable friend to some of the most important people in Malweir. Never in his wildest imaginations did he think he’d live long enough to see the end of the war much less the dawn of a new chapter in his life.

Youthful eyes stared out across the landscape, absorbing all he could in passing. The world was wide and far and he’d live several lifetimes before seeing it all. Skuld wasn’t too keen on spending so much time wandering the back roads and using his years collecting knowledge. His travelling companion felt otherwise.

Anienam Keiss, once last descendant of the order of Mages, had been granted life eternal by the gods of light and made custodian of Malweir until they deemed it necessary to return. His battle with the Dae’shan had left him near death, perhaps making it easier for him to pass into this new life. Now he was the only Dae’shan. His role was to replace Artiss Gran as the defender of Trennaron and to replenish the ranks to four. The quest would last long after his friends and companions were dust in the ground, but time no longer concerned him. Eternal, Anienam meant to right all of the wrongs committed through the years out of his lack of vision.

“Anienam, what is Ipn Shal like?” Skuld asked when the tedium of endless roads grew too much.

“Naught more than well-preserved ruins these days I’m afraid. Time has not been kind to magic users,” the wizard replied.

“Can it be made great again?”

Anienam smiled from within his gossamer hood. His flowing white robes were pristine in their innocence. “I’ve dreamed of the day when Ipn Shal returned to its former glory and became a place for the wealth of knowledge of all races. Those days are returning. I can feel it in my soul. Others will soon come to join you, Skuld. It will not stand empty for long.”

“But the magic failed before. What can prevent it from doing so again?” the boy asked.

Anienam was both pleased and impressed with his train of thought. “The gods are gone now, Skuld, both light and dark. Their influences are removed from the world and they have given us all free will to make what we will of the future. I cannot promise the road ahead will be easy, nor should it be. With great wisdom comes even greater responsibility. You are now charged with rebuilding all that was lost. I think your hardest task will be in convincing the leaders of the world to allow their subjects free practice of magic. The Mage Wars were long ago but many kingdoms continue to maintain…protective policies designed to prevent another war.

“This is an exciting time, young Skuld. No matter how difficult you find the road ahead, always remember that I shall never be far away. As the guardian of Trennaron it is my responsibility to ensure the world uses magic wisely. It would not do well to squander the gifts of the gods. Together I believe we can forge a better world.”

Skuld beamed at the thought, though his mind couldn’t escape the seemingly impossible task awaiting him. Frightened and excited, he couldn’t wait for his chance to finally make something grand of his life. Dreams of treasure seeking and glory hunting faded as the burden of responsibility settled over his shoulders.

“Will it truly become a grand world, Anienam?” he asked.

The wizard nodded. “Anything is possible.”

* * * * *

Sea spray washed his face as the Regret broke waves. Bahr named his new vessel for all that had happened over the last year, choosing to use it as a reminder that, while he had made mistakes, his life ahead was unwritten. Now that his niece was married to King Aurec and Delranan was in the capable hands of Rolnir and Ingrid, he no longer had any ties to his homeland.

Life wouldn’t last much longer. He felt it in his bones. He was tired, mentally and physically. The war against the dark gods had removed certain parts of him he could never get back. Bahr didn’t mind so much. A world traveler, he decided it was time to set sail and see those remote parts of the world he’d missed in his youth. Perhaps there was another adventure waiting over the horizon.

The Sea Wolf gave one final look back at the rocky coast of Delranan and smirked.


Thank you for taking the time to enjoy my Northern Crusade series. I hope you will continue enjoying my work by following a link on the next page.

Other Books by Christian Warren Freed

The Northern Crusade Series

Hammers in the Wind

Tides of Blood and Steel

A Whisper After Midnight

Empire of Bones

The Madness of Gods and Kings

Even Gods Must Fall

A History of Malweir Series

Armies of the Silver Mage

The Dragon Hunters

Beyond the Edge of Dawn

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