Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,139

attack. Utilizing the momentary distraction, Amar Kit’han completed the ritual by plunging the athame into the final sacrifice. The world began to disintegrate around them.


Even Gods Must Fall

The explosion threw Maleela and Badron to the ground. Dust and debris rained down from the ceiling. Amar Kit’han exchanged worried looks with his fellow Dae’shan.

“The wards have been breached. Our enemies are upon us,” he hissed. “You let this happen!”

Kodan Bak, smoke rising from his tattered robes, clenched his fists and was instantly surrounded by a pale green glow. “You have caused this. So close to success you bring failure into our midst.”

He unleashed the power. Amar reeled back, letting go of the athame. The magic burned holes in his robes. Weakened by the blast, he struggled to regain control as Pelthit Re swept in from behind. The Dae’shan clashed in a titan struggle. Skeletal hands clawed at each other. Robes were ripped to tatters. For a moment it appeared Amar Kit’han was on the losing side, but Pelthit was always the weakest of the trio. Amar managed to shove Pelthit away and attack with his full power. The lesser Dae’shan deflected the magic for a few moments before his hands began to crumble away. His robes flamed, turning him into a moving torch. Pelthit screamed once, a horrible sound from the darkest abyss, before his head exploded.

Power bristling on his hands in reds and oranges, Amar turned to Kodan. “Now for you, my traitorous friend. It is past time you learned your place.”

Kodan Bak stared at the ashes of Pelthit Re floating in the air for a moment before reluctantly turning to face Amar. He’d made a grave miscalculation in Amar’s abilities and was going to pay for it with his life. There was no backing away now. “Come then, let us end this now.”

Amar raised his spindly arms in preparation to attack.

“What have you done, demon?” Badron demanded as he shakily picked himself up.

Amar and Kodan both paused, following Badron’s pointing finger. The Olagath Stone was bleeding dark crimson light. The glow steadily grew larger until it bathed the entire ritual chamber. The last drops of blood flowed into the Stone and the ground began to rumble harder. A hole opened in the ceiling and grew larger.

Amar flashed Badron a wicked snarl. “I have liberated this pathetic world from the rule of you mortals. Soon the dark gods will be released and nightmares will come once again. You will bear witness to the end of all races in Malweir and my ascension to godhood.”

“You’re mad!” Maleela accused even as she readied her sword to murder to her father.

“Mad? I’ve spent lifetimes humbling myself before the world as I awaited this moment. You have had your chance to rule the world and been found wanting. This is the hour in which all hope fails. Welcome to despair, princess.”

“Quickly! The ritual has begun,” Anienam warned as they edged to the entrance of the ritual chamber. Desperation filled his heart. His worst fears were coming true. They were too late.

“Wizard, is this all for naught?” Bahr asked even as his mind raced through tactical possibilities. He spied the two Dae’shan in their tattered robes and immediately figured they had already gotten into it. What surprised him was finding his brother here. Worse, Badron was confronting Maleela. The five corpses on the stone slabs were inconsequential. It was the Olagath Stone that drew his attention. Bloody light drowned the chamber, emanating from the Stone.

Anienam wasn’t sure. “Perhaps, but there is still a chance to destroy the Stone before the dimensional portal opens. We must hurry. Help me distract the Dae’shan so Groge can do his job.”

“Arrows,” he hissed and the wooden shafts sped towards the unsuspecting Dae’shan.

Without Boen, Bahr felt his chances of success were lessened but the Gaimosian had given his life so that they might succeed. He watched the arrows disintegrate on impact despite being imbued with magic. Trusting in Anienam’s abilities, Bahr led the charge into the chamber. Ironfoot raced at his side, eager to drive his axe into one of the robed demons. Rekka, Dorl, and Nothol covered Groge as he slowly got to his feet after having to nearly crawl down the tunnel. The Giant was frightened but made a brave show. He drew the Blud Hamr which had been an inanimate object until now. This close to fulfilling its purpose, the Hamr throbbed in his hands and began to glow light yellow. Groge felt the power fill his

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