Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,132

to war for the first time in generations. He chewed thoughtfully on a pine twig lovingly snapped from a tree in passing. The stress felt by Rolnir and Aurec failed to translate to the sage Pell leader. Living in the Murdes Mountains was a much harsher reality than either man could imagine. Where the lowlander armies struggled against impossibility, his Pell hunters reveled in it. There was little denying that the Pell Darga clans were the combined army’s greatest assets.

Rolnir was infinitely grateful for their aid. They were artful warriors, if not properly trained. His respect grew with each engagement. The Pell continued to prove their worth since his first encounter with them in the mountain passes when they’d been enemies. Cuul Ol and his hunters all but brought the Wolfsreik offensive in Rogscroft to a halt by disrupting the supply lines and casting intense fear among the rank and file.

He hoped to use the natural animosity between Pell and Goblin to his advantage by disguising a large contingent of Pell hunters in Wolfsreik and Rogscroft uniforms. Once they infiltrated the first trench, they shed their false uniforms and attacked in the manner best suited to them. The effect had been brutal. Goblins in the immediate area faltered upon seeing so many of the almost-forgotten foes savaging them with short spears and daggers. Many Pell died in the attack but the odds were always in their favor. They slew Goblins with every blow. Rolnir had no doubts it was the Pell who managed to secure the breach. Now it was up to the heavy infantry of the Wolfsreik to widen it.

This was yet another instance where he missed having Piper to confer with. His commander was in the wild lands somewhere to the northeast, hopefully destroying the last of Harnin’s fortress line. Rolnir wished he had the additional five thousand soldiers for this campaign but their enemies were too many to fight one at a time. Still, the fifty-thousand-strong Goblin army occupying the center of his kingdom left the general with grave doubts. He needed his full army present if they were going to salvage the day.

“We Pell do our part well,” Cuul said with pride gleaming in his eyes.

Shadows began to crawl across the face of the world as night readied to fall. The long train of wounded being dragged to safety grew. Hundreds, perhaps more, soldiers were carried, dragged, or limped back on their own. Rolnir found the scene disheartening. He’d expected massive casualties but none of their estimates prepared him for the dismal scene unfolding before him. Perhaps it was only an illusion brought on by the short distance separating the armies. Perhaps it was the ache in his heart upon watching his army fight a needless battle, one they weren’t prepared for upon arriving. He didn’t know, nor did he care. There could be only one outcome as far as he was concerned. The Wolfsreik was already home, now they needed to find a way to victory.

Rolnir cleared his throat, realizing for the first time it was parched. “You warriors are fine indeed, Cuul. We are very thankful to have them.”

“Many will not come home,” Cuul added.

“Yet they will be remembered for generations, you have my word,” Aurec told him.

Cuul Ol said nothing as he continued to watch the battle. Hundreds of soldiers had broken through to the second trench. Enemy towers were folding up and down the line. With each foot of gain hope was restored. Rolnir felt it ride the currents of the wind. They were closer to victory and ending the Goblin threat. The fact that it would all be for naught if Bahr failed didn’t matter. He’d go to his grave knowing his army had done their utmost to defend Delranan.

As if waiting for Rolnir to make a fatal error, thousands of Goblins emerged from the north. If they managed to get into position they would trap Vajna and the cavalry between forces. He’d lose most of his army. The redheaded general collapsed his looking glass and decided to take matters into hand. He couldn’t allow his greatest asset to get caught. The infantry was built for that sort of situation, horses weren’t. He needed their range and speed to keep the battle fluid. The enemy understood that and aimed to remove the threat.

Any good feeling Rolnir had was dashed as this new force emerged. He’d grown overconfident with the taking of the trenches that he failed to prepare for what should

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