Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,114

Aurec or the others.

“How did you sleep?” Aurec asked of a sudden.

Thorsson almost choked on his laugh. “Well enough considering the shit we’re about to get into, sire.”

Aurec was secretly jealous. He’d tossed and turned all night, thoughts of the coming battle driving him mad. He’d thought the worst of it was over until they rode out to meet the enemy under the white flag. Now it was Maleela and what she’d become tormenting him endlessly. He failed to understand how a caring, compassionate woman willingly gave her soul to the dark powers. What had happened to make her so…foul? He feared the answer would never become known. Deep inside he believed that she was going to be one of the casualties in this sad affair. His only love, a beacon that had guided him since the loss of his father, Aurec would gladly trade his life for Maleela’s.

“Relax, sire. This will work itself out. There’ll be some empty seats around the table when it’s done, but I don’t see how any Goblin army, no matter how big, can survive against the power we’ve got assembled here,” Thorsson admitted.

Aurec let his thoughts stray from Maleela back to his army. Nearly twenty thousand soldiers from three kingdoms stood ready to launch into attack once the Dwarves gave their sign. He remained confused as to what that sign might be. Thord was suspiciously reluctant to give his surprise away. Of the many attributes he attached to the stout warriors, entertainment wasn’t one. Aurec and the others had been through so much since the war began, so many transformations, that he almost didn’t recognize himself. It was no easy thing being at the sharp end of the sword for so long.

“Do you really think we can do it? Break them and….” He let the question drop, knowing it was his love of Maleela that set these events in motion. Aurec wasn’t sure how the others would react to his desire to reunite with her in the middle of this nightmare.

Thorsson frowned. This wasn’t a moment for any leader to show doubt, for doubt translated into weakness. A proper leader needed to be strong in the face of adversity, not mired in whether or not he’d done the right things leading up to the inevitable moment when steel clashed. Aurec was better than this, Thorsson mentally scolded. “Sire, this is one of the finest armies ever put to the field. The Goblins might have numbers but they’re not true warriors. Our boys’ll do it, don’t you worry.”

Aurec found comfort in the words, despite the harsh tone in which they were delivered. This was no time for selfish indulgence. He was a king and expected to act accordingly. Rebuked, Aurec said, “Thank you, Thorsson. It is easy to forget myself. I am still young and largely inexperienced after all.”

“It’s the young ones that keep the army fighting. Remember that,” Thorsson added.

The generals arrived, engaged in deep conversation.

“…doesn’t matter if we don’t know what they’re planning,” Vajna argued.

Rolnir threw up his hands in exasperation. “For the hundredth time, Vajna, I don’t think we’ll be able to miss it. You heard the Dwarf king. He’s a sly one and makes no mistake.”

“I don’t like entering an engagement, especially one this big, without knowing the proper moment.” Exasperated, Vajna couldn’t help but take out his frustrations on those around him.

Aurec wanted to grin but first ensured there were none of the rank and file lingering within earshot. “Generals. Are we prepared?”

“As much as we can be,” Rolnir answered.

Vajna rolled his eyes.

Tension filled the space between them. It had only been a few moments since the end of the parley, but to each it might have been a week. Suddenly the ground shook and thunder filled the sky. Smoke and flame belched from the Dwarf lines followed closely by massive explosions. Aurec’s mouth dropped open. Never in his wildest imagination could he have imagined such destructive power. Screams from the Goblin lines could be heard rising above the lingering aftershock in a grizzly chorus. The thunder boomed again with similar results.

Aurec turned quickly to his shell-shocked generals. “Gentlemen, I believe that’s our sign. Proceed with the assault.”

Each saluted, less crisp than it might have been, and went to their respective commands. Vajna hurried off to give the order for the catapult batteries to open fire. He couldn’t help but look over his shoulder and jump with each new salvo from the Dwarven cannons. Flames and smoke billowed above the

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