Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,108

you rule them, even should you prevail on the field?”

“They will do what they’re told, general. This is not my war, but I will gladly trade all of your lives to get what I want.” Maleela pursed her lips as if debating to continue her thoughts.

Rolnir frowned, not getting the answer he was looking for. “This won’t end well for you. You may have numbers but they are an undisciplined lot best left for murder.”

Thrask roared. Hot saliva sizzled as it struck the already melting snow. “I will kill you myself! This is the time of Goblins!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Rolnir said as his hand dropped towards his sword.

“General, we came here under the flag of truce. Will you violate that because of petty grievance?” Maleela asked.

Aurec added, “She’s right. There will be time enough for killing in a few moments, though I would gladly run this Goblin through and be done with it here and now.”

Rolnir reluctantly withdrew his hand.

“This is the only chance you’re going to get, Maleela. Turn away from here and take your Goblins back to the Deadlands. My army will provide safe conduct back across the Thorn River. We won’t ask again.”

Maleela broke out in a fit of laughter. It was a wicked sound, cruel and spiteful. “And here I thought to test your resolve. Do not think to cow me into submission, Aurec. I am my own person. A queen in my own regards. I don’t want to kill you but I won’t hesitate if you get in my way. All I want is my father’s head.”

“I would gladly give him to you if we knew his whereabouts,” Aurec said darkly. “Your father is a coward. We’ve beaten his armies but he remains hidden. You ask what I cannot give.”

Maleela’s face darkened. Disappointment and anger clashed in her eyes. What she wanted. She wasn’t even sure of that any longer. Briefly she considered ending it all, but dark purpose spurred her on. “Impossible. My father wouldn’t abandon his kingdom like that. More than likely the snake is among your own ranks, skulking like a mountain asp. I would have been told if he were dead.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Aurec said. “He’s not facing you. I am. Is it truly your father that compels you into darkness? Maleela, abandon this foolish quest and return to the light. I beg you a final time. Please. If not for me than for what we once shared.”

She paused. The power of words sank into the deepest recesses of her mind where she dared not look. Those special parts of herself where even the evil of the Dae’shan had yet to find purchase. Love. The power in such a word was beyond compare yet she couldn’t avoid the strength of her promises. There was no room for love in her life now. She had become one with the dark.

“Enough has been said. It is time for battle,” Thrask announced.

“Indeed,” Maleela added.

Deflated, Aurec could merely nod. Without saying good-bye he and the others turned and left. The time for talk had ended. Thrask was right. There would be a battle the likes of which hadn’t been seen in Malweir since the Mage Wars. Red light crawled across the sky. The blood-colored sun whispered ominous intent. Maleela couldn’t have asked for a better omen: bloody skies to match the soon-to-be bloody ground. She hoped the world would drown in it. A single crow landed atop the pavilion and cawed. The call was muted but might have been a clarion call to war.

She watched Aurec and his commanders ride back to their lines. The subtlest hint of confusion echoed off her face. That tiny desire to slit Thrask’s throat and race after her former lover mocked her. Maleela, too late, recognized that her commitment to evil had ruined any chance of a normal life. She doubted love would ever find her again, nor should it. The foulness contaminating her soul stretched deeply, confining her to self-induced torments and misery.

“Do not think to betray me, princess. Your blood will taste good,” Thrask threatened once they were out of earshot.

“Is that supposed to frighten me, Goblin? You don’t know the horrors I’ve seen. Nothing you could possibly do will ever compare to what the Dae’shan have in store for us all,” Maleela told him. “Now, prepare your army for battle. I suspect the enemy won’t give us long to retire.”

Thrask grinned at the promise of bloodshed.


The Last Day


The call was echoed

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