Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,105

false quest for righteousness. Others simply because they had no reason not to. A handful, a very small minority are here for you.”

She stiffened, bringing her hands from behind her. “Speak plainly. What do you mean?”

“Your uncle sits to our southwest. His quest will attempt to break my power while the armies ruin themselves around us.”

Conflicting emotions raged within her. Deep inside, so deep she’d nearly abandoned it, the prospect of hope for the future stirred. Since devoting herself to Amar Kit’han and her fervent desire for revenge, Maleela had done nothing but hate. She’d lost faith in Humanity, her family, and most importantly, herself. Misery became her companion, comforting her in those long hours in the middle of the night when she thought no one was paying attention.

Amar Kit’han heard it all. His unique tortures were designed to break her mind under the false pretense of empowerment. Thus far it had worked perfectly. She was his willing tool. A tool he had every intention of discarding once the war was finished. Each night he continued to pour subtle traces of magic into her dreams, darkening them to the point where she was ready to take up a sword and spill blood. Her descent was nearly complete. All it needed was a final act.

“My uncle will be difficult to stop,” she finally said as the war of emotions in her mind quieted. “He will be most formidable if he’s managed to acquire the Blud Hamr. Killing them should be a priority.”

Very ruthless, this one. Much better than her pathetic father ever proved. “Agreed. The Hamr must not be allowed to reach the ritual site. Are you capable of setting aside loyalties to accomplish this?”

Her face hardened in reply. “I am. Bahr has done nothing for me. Seeing him dead will serve as a brutal reminder for all who might one day cross me. You said a minority. My uncle does not constitute a minority. Who else must I face tomorrow?”

Amar grinned from beneath his hood. The glow emanating off his form was faint enough to go undetected by her mortal eyes. “Are you sure you can handle the knowledge I am about to bestow on you? You are only Human after all. An inherent weakness you are incapable of escaping.”

“I grow weary of these verbal games, Amar. Tell me what I need to know so that I may win this battle. If you insist on speaking in riddles go find Thrask. Perhaps that foul-smelling beast would be better companionship for you.” Maleela practically spat her words. Her disgust for the Dae’shan was rivaled only by the need to remain allied with him. For the time being.

“Very well. King Aurec co-commands the combined army to our east. They are the strongest, with thousands from your father’s Wolfsreik. Aurec will stop at nothing to destroy the Goblins and end this war,” Amar admitted.

Maleela turned slowly to face him. “Aurec lives?”

“Unless he just died, yes, and he is the crowned king of Rogscroft. Does this displease you? I can summon my…pets to dispatch him before dawn.”

Her tiny hand raised. “No, if Aurec falls it will not be by your monsters’ claws. He is…was a good man. He deserves to die with honor. I should like to see him one final time before the battle begins.”

“Love still holds sway I see. Perhaps I was wrong about you,” Amar hissed.

She fixed him with a deadly glare. “There is no love. You’ve managed to kill it. I am a creature of your making. I feel nothing but hate.”

We shall see, puppet. We shall see. I wonder how deep your resolve runs the moment you are forced to confront your lover. Do you have the strength to take his life? “I am pleased to hear you say that. Aurec has grown to become a cunning foe. He will bring his army with all of the might he possesses. Our Goblin allies are strong but they have seldom won great victories against Man. We have numbers but I doubt they will be enough.”

“I will make them enough. Do what you must to free your gods. Thrask and I will hold off our enemies long enough,” she said with defiance. Already plans and counter plans warped in her mind. No strategist, she had grown up around the army and had absorbed enough to be confident about her chances tomorrow.

Amar appreciated her confidence but ultimately knew it wasn’t enough. Thrask and his Goblins were weak. Otherwise their kingdom would have

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