Ethan (Devil's Flame MC #9) - Romi Hart Page 0,83

cream cheese.

He hesitated, then shrugged. “Well, I can wait a few minutes, but I suggest you tell me quickly why you’ve been stalking me for two days – and had a really bad PI doing the same before that – or all bets are off.”

The car was new and still smelled like the leather interior. I didn’t want anything screwing that up, but I didn’t know how to get rid of him. This man was a criminal, and I had to remember that. Criminals could be desperate people. If I didn’t tell him, there was no telling what he might do to try and get it out of me. And if I did, he might completely freak out on me.

But something didn’t add up. Wesley had sounded terrified, but so far, other than getting in my car uninvited, Jasper Cunningham hadn’t done anything scary or threatening. And unless he’d had time to poison my food or drink, he’d offered something kind, though he had no reason to be the least bit nice to me.

Thinking on my feet, I told him the first thing that came to mind. “I was curious.”

He raised an eyebrow at me and repeated, “Curious.”

I nodded. “You’re right, I was a kid when you went to prison, and I didn’t know anything about you. I just…I had to know the man who almost stole some of the most expensive paintings in the world from my father.”

He narrowed his eyes at me and nodded slowly. “I guess I can accept that. But you could have just introduced yourself and asked. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what I put your family through.”

I stared at him, mouth agape like some fish out of water desperate for air. Had Jasper Cunningham just apologized? I knew I looked ridiculous, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. This man was so selfish, so bent on getting rich quick, that he hadn’t cared what happened to the people he stole from. He’d caused my father’s heart attack. Daddy was dead because of him. Men like Jasper Cunningham didn’t apologize.

I guess my silence bothered him because he started talking, as if to fill the awkward air between us. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Well, not really. I just wanted to catch you off guard because I could tell you underestimated me. So, are you still curious?”

My head was spinning, and I was barely following, so it took a minute to realize he’d asked me a question. “Curious. Yes, I’m still curious.”

He put on a teasing grin that completely disarmed me. Whatever else he was, no one could ever claim that Jasper Cunningham wasn’t drop dead gorgeous. He had that rugged handsomeness that came with being less than affluent, hard and tough and strong and masculine. He was everything my father would have hated anyway, everything he wanted to protect me from when I was in high school, the reason he’d insisted I go to an all-girl private school.

“Are you going to keep following me, then, or are you open to other options?”

I scowled. “Like what?”

He shrugged. “Have dinner with me. Get to know me for real.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. The last thing I wanted was to spend any time with this guy. But I couldn’t exactly keep following him. At this point, it would be stalking. If I wanted to catch him in the act and send him back behind bars for the rest of his miserable life, I really only had one choice. It took every bit of strength and determination I had to answer him. “I suppose I could have dinner with you. Once.” I wasn’t committing to anything else. After all, I could always find a better investigator. I just needed to buy the time to seek one out.

“That’s all I’m asking.” His grin broadened, showing off a row of bright white teeth. Why had I pictured a miscreant with blackened and missing teeth, rotting gums? I needed to check into dental care in the prison system. It might be better than the public sector. He held out his hand. “I guess proper introductions are in order, even if we do know each other on some level. I’m Jasper.”

I hesitated. I’d spent the last ten years of my life hating Jasper Cunningham. Did I really want to touch him? Since I wasn’t choking or gasping for breath from poison, I decided he’d redeemed himself enough that I could shake his hand. “Mina.” I didn’t make any other gestures or try to act like I was pleased to meet him or anything. I just wished he’d never come into my life at all. But I tried to be cordial.

“Mina. I like that. Well, Mina, I’m going to pick up your phone and send a text to mine so we have each other’s number. And I’ll call you later so we can set up the date.”

“It’s not a date,” I corrected him. “And text, don’t call. I don’t like talking on the phone.”

He rolled his eyes. “Everything changes. I thought women loved talking on the phone all the time. I apologize for being out of sync with the times. I’ve been a little sheltered for a few years.” The bitterness in his tone made me wonder if he regretted his actions because he’d gotten caught or if he’d truly repented. It wasn’t for me to figure out. I only had to send him back to jail, without passing go or collecting two hundred dollars.

I watched him type, then heard the ding of his phone as he received the text. “Just for future reference, Mina, you probably want to find a POS to drive out to the Bronx next time, or at least a standard Toyota or Nissan. The Mercedes is too flashy for the area.” That was his parting remark, and he got out, instantly lighting his cigarette and waving back to me over his shoulder.

I was speechless. What the hell had just happened? One minute, I’m tailing the heartless criminal who killed my father, and the next, he’s demanding answers and asking me to dinner. I really needed to find my balance before I lost perspective. Those icy blue eyes of his and that easy, charming grin could manipulate shit into diamonds and snow into gold. I certainly didn’t need to let my guard down and risk him softening my heart.

Click here to keep reading Sinner…

Author’s Note

Thank you for reading Ethan’s book. I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I did writing it.

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About the Author

Romi writes steamy contemporary romance with hot alpha rugged bad boys and their strong heroines. You'll love her if you like reading books with passion, love and HEAs.

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Check out more books to read by the author on the next page!

Also by Romi Hart

Devil’s Flame MC Series








Primal Impulse Shifters Series




Anarock Shifters Series









Out of Bounds

Playing to Win

Untamed Billionaires


Untamed Billionaires Series

The Billionaire Bull

The Billionaire Bold

The Billionaire Brute

Playing to Win Series

One Kiss to Win

One Chance to Win

One Cheer to Win

Out of Bounds Series




Dangerous Series

Dangerous Play

Dirty Play

Daring Play

Stand Alone Books


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