Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,61

bringing them to my lips, “I will, I’m sorry, shall we just stay in and watch a movie tonight?” I compromise with a safer option.

“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day” he smiles, leaving the room; he returns ten minutes later, with a thick fleece blanket and a selection of DVD’s, mostly action films, but a couple of soppy ROM-COM’s he claims are his sisters.

While he was out of the room he called through for some room service and just as the opening credits start we are delivered a selection of ice cream and amaretto biscuits.

“I wouldn’t have thought you get room service if you live here?” I ask skeptically.

“I don’t, I called in a favour” he winks at me, “but I am the boss’s son, so I could, but I work with these people so I try not to, unless it’s an emergency” he explains.

“Oh yes, a real emergency” I say sarcastically, poking fun at his blatant abuse of power.

“Shh! It’s about to start” he shuts me up with a biscuit covered in mint ice cream. “Mmmmm”

“Shh!” he repeats cockily, earning him a poke in the side.

Snuggling under the covers, he puts one arm around my shoulders as I slip mine round his waist and we take it in turns to feed each other sweet mouthfuls with our free hands as the movie begins.

The next morning we wake, still curled on the sofa, I think I dropped off somewhere in the middle of the second film; I chose a girly film to start, so on his turn to pick he went for some action thriller, which promptly bored me to sleep, he would never admit it, but clearly it had the same affect on him, else we’d be waking up in bed right now.

“I love waking up next to you sweetness” he murmurs to me, still half asleep.

“Right back at ya, sexy” the word slips from my half asleep lips before I can stop it, his eyes open fully, an amused look on his face, “Sexy huh?” he drools back at me.

“Yeah” I say nonchalantly, “I’m going to jump in the shower, so how’s about you get that sexy ass in the kitchen and make me some breakfast?” well I’ve started now, so I may as well take full advantage; I hear him scoff, clearly shocked by my new show of confidence, as I trott up the stairs, but seconds later I hear him clattering about in there so it obviously had the desired affect.

Stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, I find him in the bedroom, “Your breakfast is downstairs, would it please Madam if I was to take a shower now?” he asks giving me a little bow.

Now it’s my turn to scoff, “You are clearly well trained, I think I will speak to you like that more often, sexy” I say biting my lip as he pulls his t-shirt off, exposing his sculpted torso. He gives me a little shrug and a cheeky grin, “whatever turns you on sweet” he chirps closing the bathroom door behind him.

Knowing he will be in the shower for at least the next ten minutes I discard the towel and hunt around for my strapless beach dress; I know I had it yesterday, but I can’t find it anywhere. I pull on some pants and keep checking, it has built in support so you can go bra-less and has got to be the comfiest item of clothing I have.

“Carlos, do you know where my dress is from yesterday?” I shout through to him.

“I think it’s still downstairs, you took it off when we got in the pool”

Oh yes, he’s right. I scamper downstairs, I’m so relieved Carlos lives on his own, it means as long as I know where he is, I can get away with prancing round naked, should I feel the need to.

I’m halfway across the cold tiled floor when I see it, draped over the back of the chair next to the front door. As my finger tips come into contact with the material, I hear the scream; jumping back away from the sound I now see a middle aged couple stood just inside the front door, mouths agape, I instantly scream back, grabbing the dress and holding it to my front.

My screech jolts them out of their frozen stances and they fluster about looking in every direction but mine, the woman is first to speak, “We’re sorry, we came to see Carlos, we had Copyright 2016 - 2024