Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,51

he turns his face towards me, but says nothing.

“Carlos?” I’m going to have to do better than one word at a time.


“How come you never try and undress me?” there it’s out. Followed by a torturing silence as he mulls over my question.

“Well, I get the impression you might not want me to?”

He slides onto his side, dropping my head gently onto the pillow so we are face to face; oh no! I was only just coping with addressing this conversation to his chest, I’m not sure I can do it while staring into his curious eyes.

“Umm, I don’t know, I guess it makes me nervous, it’s been a long while since anyone but my husband has seen me naked, and even then it’s been a long time since I felt attractive around him” now I’ve started it’s hard to find the right words to explain this to someone; especially someone that has never, and probably will never, be in the same position.

“I get it, it’s a huge thing for you to be doing this with me, I understand, truly. And look how much you’ve come out your shell already!” he has a knack for saying the exact right thing, “look, don’t get me wrong, I would love to get you in my arms completely naked and trace every inch of your body, but I wantyou to want that, not just do it because you think you have to. It will happen when your ready and in the mean time I’m having loads of fun getting there.” With that he pulls me against him, running kisses all over my face, culminating on my lips, I lean in kissing him with gratitude after his perfect answer to my delicate question; as I run my hand over his side, towards his back, the friction causes the pvc to squeak loudly under the pressure, it completely ruins the romance, but sends us into fits of giggles.

We wake late, Carlos spooning behind me, his head buried in my hair, now coming loose out of its braid, in the most ungraceful manner. By now I’m in an old t-shirt and Carlos is naked, his outfit from last night long since peeled off and strewn on the floor.

I go to stretch out my stiff limbs, but his grip round me is so tight even in sleep that I can barely move an inch. My wriggling rouses him, for a second he pulls me even tighter into him, before releasing entirely, rolling onto his back and stretching every limb out in opposite directions. Letting out a yawn, his body relaxes and then curls back in to me, his morning glory pressing into my back. “hmmm, morning you” I murmur arching my back and pressing my back side into it.

“Morning sweet” he whispers back giving a little thrust of his hips that makes me squeal. His hands start roaming all over me, but still suddenly as there is a knock at the door.

Frowning I look towards the clock, its 9.30am, I shrug at Carlos who is looking at me with a questioning look, “Let’s just stay quiet and maybe whoever it is will go away?”

We cling tightly to each other as if taking up less room might somehow hide us from whoever is on the other side of the door.

Another knock, but this time accompanied by a disembodied voice “Kate? Are you there? It’s Jake” Oh God no! I leap from the bed, Carlos now thoroughly confused, “Jake? As in your husband, Jake?” he whispers urgently.

I nod, “I’m sorry, it’s a long story I was going to tell you, let me get rid of him and I’ll explain, I promise” I say hurriedly as I pull on a dressing gown. Going to the door I open it and inch, finding Jake on the doorstep holding out a bunch of flowers. “This is not a good time” I hiss at him.

“I just thought that maybe we could speak again today?” he gives me his best hurt puppy look.

“No Jake. I’ve said all I want to say to you so just go back home and leave me alone ok?”

“Kate! For gods sake will you just drop this moody bullshit and talk to me?” his tone turning harsh, so much for his pitiful act, here comes the real Jake.

Before I can respond the door is yanked open from behind me, Carlos steps out, completely naked, towering over Jake, his hands fisted at his sides, face burning red, “She asked you to Copyright 2016 - 2024