Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,39

so over excited about my next date with Carlos, she practically invites herself along, already desperate to know what his reaction will be to my saucy new outfit. She starts making possible shocked faces he might sport, from a wide eyed jaw drop, to a leery grin accompanied with groping hand movements in front of my breasts, sending us into fits of giggles.

“He will not be like that” I laugh at her.

“You never know, it might be enough to send him to the dark side of letchy men” she warns.

“Well now you mention it…..” I sarcastically humour her, earning me a playful jab in the ribs with her elbow.

We eventually roll up at the resort at about half past ten, my arms and legs ache from schlepping around shops with heavy bags all day and my face and chest hurt from laughing non stop, Blair has an uncanny ability to make you feel ten years younger, right up until your body collapses and reminds you that you are in fact as old as you feel!

We hug goodbye and swap room numbers, promising to go for dinner together in the next few days.

When I’m walking to my room it feels as though it’s a million miles away, the usual five minute jaunt drags by with each painful step. Once I reach my room I drop the bags off my arms and collapse on to the bed, I’m asleep even before my head hits the pillow.

I’m woken by a shrill noise, opening my eyes the room is pitch black, the noise happens a couple more times before I realise it’s the phone. Struggling up I pick it up still not quite awake, “hello?” I croak sleepily.

“Hey sweet, sorry did I wake you?” Carlos’s voice soothes me, I had completely forgotten he was calling me tonight.

“Oh hi, yeah I must have crashed when I got in, but don’t worry, hearing your voice is a lovely way to wake up”

“I called earlier but Mari said you had gone on the shopping trip and it never normally gets back until about now” he explains his late night interruption. Looking at the clock on the wall it’s only 11pm, it had felt like I had been sleeping for much longer.

I give him the run down of my day, letting him know that I have bought him a present, but not giving any clues as to what it is. To begin with he is full of refusal, I shouldn’t have, he was only joking when he said I owed him, but I soon halted his protests when I explained that he was going to love it and that it was kind of a present for me too.

By all accounts his day was dull, the usual family re-unions, meeting his sisters, soon to be, family in-laws and general polite conversation. He had snuck off to his room early in the hope of spending all afternoon on the phone to me, only to be saddened to find I was going to be out until late (if I wasn’t already laying down I may just have swooned at that admission).

“The wedding is on Friday, so if it’s like this I might just try and come back straight after” he says, toying with my emotions as I find myself instantly praying that he will.

We chat on mindlessly for another half an hour, talking about nothing in particular, but both reluctant to end the call. Ultimately having to admit to running out of conversation, so forcing us to end the call, “Goodnight sweet, I’ll call again tomorrow” he whispers.

“Can’t wait, night you” I reply dreamily.

Rolling over I find that I’m now far too thrilled by his eagerness to speak to me, to get any sleep; instead I boil the kettle and pick out a chamomile bag from the box of assorted herbal teas and switch on the T.V, skipping through channels until I happen across a mushy Romantic Comedy starting in ten minutes, ideal entertainment for my fairy tale romantic life.

Noticing that I am still dressed I strip off and pull on some comfy pj’s, routing through the well stocked mini-bar I come up trumps with a small box of chocolates; snuggling down into bed, pulling the plush duvet up high and hugging my steaming mug of tea, I pop the first chocolate in my mouth just as the opening credits start.

I don’t remember how far I was through the movie before my eyes became heavy and I succumbed to sleep, I Copyright 2016 - 2024