Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,29

time it was” I apologise profusely, lying through my teeth.

“No don’t worry I’m up with the kids anyway, it’s Caz is having her nap, so she’s not up yet, but I’ll just go wake her for you” he replies casually, I’m halfway through protesting against that idea when I realise he has already gone to do it.

Two minutes pass before I can hear the receiver being picked up again, “Hey Kate, what’s up” she is forcing the liveliness into her voice, but the stubbornness of sleep is still clearly evident.

“Hi, I’m so sorry, I tried to tell Phil not to wake you” I have lowered my voice in a vane attempt not to wake her further.

“No, don’t worry, I kept Phil up late last night watching a documentary on penguins, so he’s been desperate to find an excuse to ruin my sleep!” she laughs, oh the joys of married life.

“Oh good, because I wanted to tell you about last night” I start, immediately interrupted by a suddenly wide awake Caz “Last night?? What happened last night? Did you go on the date? How did it go? Did you sleep with him?”

The usual firing squad of questions you can expect from an excited Caz.

I give her every dirty little detail, starting from where we left off last night. By the end of it she is ecstatic, even more so than me.

“Oh my god, that sounds like a fairy tale! So romantic, you must send me a picture, he sounds like a dream-boat, but it’s surely too good to be true though? Are you sure your not just making all this up?” sceptical as ever, I make sure my reply sounds overly shocked and appalled at her doubt “Thanks Caz, I’m so glad to hear you have so much faith in me!”

“Sorry it’s just you know, your so self conscious and this is all so, I don’t know, so…..naughty. I’m so happy for you, seriously Kate, this is just what you needed. Just promise me something” her voice coming down from it’s high on that last request, “don’t get too involved OK? It is great, but it is what it is, I don’t want you coming back more heart broken than you left”

I know what she means, I can’t deny those familiar butterflies I get at the mere mention of his name and the utter loss I felt thirty minutes ago when I thought it was over, then it hits me, I’m already in too deep.

“No of course, come on Caz, it’s just a holiday thing, I’m just enjoying myself” I bluff, hoping to hell she buys it, I’ve only just admitted it to myself, I don’t want to have to explain these confusing feelings to Caz as well.

Ending the call, I know I’ve got some serious thinking to do.

Chapter 4

After a brief chat with Carlos I have established a second date, he won’t let on what his idea is, saying only to wear something I can move in, preferably with heels, the two requests sadly contradict each other.

He’s not picking me up until 18.30 tonight, but I start going through my suitcase now to find something appropriate. Following numerous changes in front of the mirror, I settle on a white gypsy style skirt the hangs to just below the knee, a deep red camisole with a lace trim and some crimson peep-toe sandals, with a wedge heel, so I will be somewhat steady on my feet.

I’m too nervous to eat, I force down the fruit and yoghurt then deposit the remainder outside.

The sunshine looks stunning and is heating up something crazy already, but the thought of going out and bumping into Carols again sends the butterflies roaring into action in my belly. It’s still too new and the excitement mixed with nerves I feel when I see him, teeters dangerously close to nausea; so I think for today I will take advantage of my private Jacuzzi and maybe find some time to email an update to everyone later, Jacuzzi first though.

It’s not too hard to figure out, there’s a mains switch on the wall just inside of the balcony then various switches and dials around the actual tub which vary the temperature and air jets.

While it warms up I slip into my bikini bottoms, forgoing the top because with all the recent thrills of late I’m feeling rather frisky. Routing through my wash-bag I locate the packet of mud face-pack that’s been in there since Christmas; tearing open the pack I Copyright 2016 - 2024