Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,125

reply clearly.

“You can go now, do you understand that?” she sounds condescending as if she is speaking to a child, not a full grown woman, who an hour ago was being accused of drug trafficking.

“Just get up and walk out? Just like that?” I question, a bit sarcastically.

“Yes, come on” she takes hold of my arm softly and slowly pulls me to my feet. I must be looking at her in disbelief, because she gives me a warm smile and a nod to confirm it is in fact all over now.

I am guided through stark, cold corridors, past various other interrogation rooms, my mind wondering if Carlos is behind each door that we pass. My heart and soul are torn in two, half of them despise him and hope he rots in jail, while the other half can't let go of all the love I've had for him so easily, and so it is left worried and reluctant to leave him in a place like this.

With the two equally as strong halves waging war inside my head, it leaves little left for functioning consciously with the outside world; consequently as I'm handed over to Blair and John in the reception area I am in a daze. I keep looking over my shoulder, I don't even know what I'm expecting, or even hoping to see. Is it Detective gruffle-voice Maurise saying they need to ask me more questions? Or perhaps Carlos with some sort of explanation, it was all a big mix up, none of this was true! But as it turns out I get neither, just an empty space following in my wake as I'm led outside.

John and Blair have kept uncharacteristically quiet, Blair has her arm wrapped tightly round my shoulders and I see them exchange worried looks, but I'm too out of it to try and re-assure them that I'm fine this time.

It's not until they flag down a taxi that I see John load bags into the boot, my bags, he must have got them together before they came to the station, he's so thoughtful, I know if I was in his position I would have been too panicked to think of doing that.

“My flight” are the first feeble words to fall from my lips.

“Yes we are going to the airport now, we should get there with plenty of time” Blair explains in the same condescending voice the interpreter used, but from Blair I don't mind, because I know she cares about me.

I'm bundled into the back seat with Blair while John sits up front, it's all I can do to curl up with my head on her shoulder before I'm out like a light.

When we arrive they wake me gently, I've had almost a solid five hours sleep. The police station where they took me, had been a forty minute drive in the opposite direction of the airport. By the time we got out it was nearly five am, so I'm only left with an hour and a bit before my flight. Blair And John valiantly offer to stay with me for this time, but I refuse, they have been up all night and they still have another four hour drive back to the resort, I've ruined enough of their holiday and I'm not about to take up a second more of it.

With tearful hugs we say our goodbyes, there are no words or grand gestures that will get across what they have come to mean to me, or how much I still and probably always will, owe them for all they have done and continue to do for me.

I dig into my pocket and pull out my pink heart trinket, showing it to Blair and then holding it to my chest, “You will always be the reason for the love in my life” I say giving her one last squeeze before turning and walking away, disappearing into the crowds.

I spend my last hour going over and over every last detail of my holiday, how Carlos and I met, how he pursued me and eventually won me over, how he made me trust him and ultimately how he made me fall in love with him and all for what? Drugs? Money?

Was it really worth it? Now he's locked up in jail and I'm returning home a broken mess, with emotional scars that run deeper that the physical ones I've gained.

What was it that he said? 'Just go home and forget about him' it's easier said than done, but it's probably the best piece of advise he's ever given me. I will never forget how cold he was as they dragged him away, his normally sparkling green eyes dull an empty of any feeling and his words came so easy and ended it all so finally. This was all just a game to him, a game that even though I was unaware I was playing, I still managed to win, but it's nothing more than a hollow, unsatisfying victory over the man I loved.

When I finally board the flight I don't look back, this time I'm not secretly hoping for the situation to change, this time I want out; away from all the drama, away from devils in Adonis disguises. I want to go home.

As I step onto the plane I'm flooded with relief, it's all over, I'm free in every sense of the word, all I have left of this holiday is memories, memories that will stay with me for eternity.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Copyright 2016 - 2024