Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,12

let everyone back home know how things are going. The route back follows a similar dance with the Lizards as I experienced this morning, only this time when sidestepping one, I inadvertently come too close to another one camouflaged against the grass and send it scurrying, at surprising speeds, in the opposite direction. It’s unexpected sprint making my heart leap into my mouth and I quicken my pace just a little. Lizards still freak me out.

My room is gloriously cool with the air-con on full whack. Digging through my suitcase, still unpacked, I retrieve my laptop and settle down at the vanity table to fire it up. Three emails greet me from all the usual suspects, Caz, Dad and Mick, I go for Mick’s first just in case there has been some sort of emergency at work.

From: Michael Jacobs

To: Kaitlin Mavers

Subject: Holiday!

Hi Kate,

Just wanted to send you a quick message, hope you got there safe, we are just about coping without you! See you in three weeks, can’t wait to hear all about it.


I don’t bother replying, clearly everything is fine and like he says I can catch him up when I get back.

The next I go for is Dads.

From: Peter Wall

To: Kaitlin Mavers

Subject: Missing you

Hi sweetheart,

We have just got back from the airport and your mum is insisting we send you a message for when you arrive. We are both missing you already, hope you have an amazing time there. We love you.

Let us know you arrived in one piece,

All our love Mum and Dad xxxxx

P.s your mum says to remind you to use sun cream.

Their email makes me smile, they fuss more than necessary, but secretly, even as an adult, I still love the attention they shower me with. I fire off a quick reply, assuring them I am fine, a quick description of the room, let them know I’m eating more than enough and return their loving sentiments, promising to write again soon.

Finally it’s Caz, I’m sure with much of the same.

From: Cassie Black

To: Kaitlin Mavers

Subject: Im so jealous!!!! 

Hi Kate you adventurous minx!

So glad you did this, but I’m already lost without you! Is it as beautiful as the brochures? You must send me some pictures as soon as you can.

Evie drew a picture of you on a beach in the sun today, I’ve put it up on the fridge for you to see when you get back.

The house sale is going great, everything is signed and it will be finalised in no time. And great news……your offer on the dream house got accepted!!! I’m dealing with it now to make sure it all goes ahead in double time, sorry but your parents just don’t have a negotiating bone in both their bodies put together!

If all goes well you will be in within a couple of weeks of your return to old blighty.

Love you, email me with all the gossip asap!

Speak soon,

Caz xxxxxxxxxxxx

That’s great news about the house, I never in a million years thought I would get it. Even though the asking price was well within my price range my agent, but more importantly Caz, insisted I offer well below it with a promise of a quick sale. Seemingly it worked and it means I will have more than enough left to do the few renovations I wanted AND newly furnish the whole thing. I have explained to Caz that it’s all well and good moving to a new house, but if everything inside it is the same old memory inspiring crap, it won’t make any difference. So we were going to forgo the decorating in favour of furnishings, but now I can have the best of both worlds, hopefully with money to spare!

Ever since my life exploded in on itself I have had nothing but good luck, I guess after months of misery karma is finally coming round for me.

Tapping out and email back I congratulate Caz on her savvy negotiating skills, and tell her to thank her daughter for the picture. Caz is convinced Evie, (her five year old) is an aspiring artist, but in all honesty the pictures just look like any other kids drawings to me?

Promising to firstly take pictures and secondly send them to Caz, I sign off and shut down the laptop.

It’s just past 14.30, plenty of time for some more sunbathing I think. Slipping off my sundress I put on one of my new sarongs on, a hot pink little number that suggests I have more confidence than Copyright 2016 - 2024