The Escort - By Gina Robinson Page 0,99

women. They're probably charging two bits just for a dance. And what's wrong with the rest of you? I was told this was a formal occasion."

"Where does the ordinary man get a tuxedo, Tonio? Not being wealthy Italians, we must settle for ordinary suits."

Tonio laughed. "Why don't you go ask one of the ladies to dance, Harry?"

"Helen hasn't arrived yet and she'd be furious if she caught me dancing with someone else. I prefer to stay here in your uplifting company."

"There's no accounting for taste," Tonio said. "You sure picked a helluva a time to come home from Boise, Harry. How did the Senate session go? In what little space they're not devoting to the bombing, the papers are saying it was frivolous and an utter waste of time."

"We did better than the House. We at least ended the session with gentlemanly handshakes. The House ended by throwing paper wads dipped in ink and stealing every wastebasket, inkstand, and jar of paste in sight."

"The Senate's behavior can be credited to your able leadership. You evidently succeeded where their mothers had failed; you taught them manners. Not bad for a bunch of grown men."

"I wasn't entirely successful. Did I tell you about the man who stabbed his fellow legislator? I can't remember what their disagreement was. Stabbed him in the arm. It was only a superficial wound. Claimed he'd opened his pocket knife to sharpen his pencil and the guy fell into it—bad timing."

Tonio laughed. "Bad timing, like our little insurrection here. Sounds like our politicians in Boise are living up to their unsavory reputation. I can see how you'd be glad to be back working with us civilized Hole folk. To think that both suspected bombers, Orchard and myself, have at times owned the same mining shares. Ironic, isn't it?"

"Can't say I'm not happy that Orchard sold out to you and Cardoner. I never doubted your innocence, Tonio. I was happy to go to bat for you in Boise. As for Orchard, they'll catch him, sooner or later."

"Can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did for me, Harry."

"Anything for a partner." Harry nodded toward the banquet tables. "Looks like they're stocking the buffet. Shall we give it a try?"

A volunteer in a white apron busily set out trays of small sweets meant to serve as appetizers until the grand cake was served. Tonio grabbed a small plate. If he was going to drink heavily tonight he might as well fill his stomach. He didn't want to get drunk too fast. May had made it clear he was required to make more than a cursory appearance.

As he reached to fill his plate with mints and cookies, he stopped. In front of him was an elegant tray of Piemontese paste, tiny cream puffs filled with buttercream and custards and delicate individual profiterole. Angelina was the only one who knew how to make such things.

He looked up and scanned the room as if he expected to find her. If she wanted her necklace back, she'd have to come back and face him. He had no intention of mailing it back to her. She wouldn't leave the country without it, he was certain of that. May breezed by. He caught her by the arm. "May, where is she?"

May looked confused.

"Who made these?" He pointed to the paste.

"Oh, those? An old Italian woman in Kellogg. Why do you ask?" May's puzzlement seemed genuine. He let her arm go.

Angelina made her grand entrance. She walked in with head held high, drawing the attention of the male crowd, fully aware of the impact she made. Take a deep breath, she reminded herself. Enhance the presentation of the bustline and calm the nerves. Tonio, where are you?

Tonio heard the heightened buzz of the crowd and turned to see who'd come in. Their eyes locked immediately. She was a lovely vision, a dark beautiful Angel. He'd been done over by May and Angelina, but he didn't care.

He was in a tunnel and Angelina was at the other end with the entire crowd separating them. He pushed his way through the throng, determined to take her in his arms. He wasn't going to lose her this time.

She saw him making his way toward her and smiled in encouragement. The look on his face told her that she was not wrong in coming. He didn't mince words when he reached her.

"Angelina, we need to talk." There was a plea to the hard edge of his voice.

"Yes, Tonio. Someplace private. Copyright 2016 - 2024