The Escort - By Gina Robinson Page 0,29

a drink at Napoli, Sal."

Napoli looked very much like its competitor, Dorso's, a few blocks away. A long straight bar bordered one wall. It was not crowded nor was it empty. The foursome stood in the doorway a moment while Tonio scanned the room. His eyes settled on a table of old men, smoking and playing cards at a back table. He pressed several silver dollars in Sal's palm. "Buy yourself a drink. I'll be back in a minute."

Angelina watched Tonio approach the back table. He was still several feet away when one of the old men spotted him, called out a greeting, and stood to meet him. "Antonio!"

That was all she could hear of their conversation as she watched them kiss each other's cheeks and shake each other's hand at the same time.

"What is he up to, Sal?" she asked. Before he could answer, Tonio came forward with an old man in tow.

"Sal, you haven't gotten a drink yet? Hang onto the money; I'll buy you a bottle of the best Gambino's store has to offer."

"This is the lady you mentioned?" The old man had a handle bar mustache, well waxed and as white as the rim of hair on his head, but his eyes were deep brown and as mischievous as any youth's.

"This is Angelina. She won me a great deal of money at the table tonight. I promised her anything she wanted," Tonio said. "Gambino has agreed to open his store for us tonight."

Gambino slapped Tonio on the back. "Anything for a dollar, eh Tonio?"

Angelina overheard Sal as he leaned over and whispered to Tonio. "How'd you get Gambino to agree to this?"

"He and Sebastiano were close."

"Let's get going. This old man can't stay up all night." Gambino grabbed his coat from a peg by the door and they were off, arriving minutes later.

Gambino turned the lights on and set his keys on the counter. "We must be quiet. Mrs. Gambino is asleep upstairs. Let's not wake her. She is not a woman who wakes pleasantly."

Gambino's was a typical American Italian general store. Wheels of hard parmesan and romano cheese were displayed behind glass at the counter, little knives stuck in each block for ready cutting. Wrapped salamis and pepperonis hung behind the counter in their white, powdered paper. Crates filled with sundries stood here and there at random and at the end of each row of shelves. Bottles of wine and canned goods filled the shelves, along with bottles of olive oil. There was a large bin of polenta flour and a shelf that contained kitchen items, cheese graters, and knives. On the shelf next to the cash register were two lidded glass bins, one full of candied violets, the other filled with candied rose petals.

"You expect me to find a Stella Starr here?" Angelina asked, amused.

"Gambino, show Angelina the clothing you carry."

Gambino smiled. "Of course." He took her hand and patted it. "Back this way." He dropped her hand and led the way to the back of the store where he opened a door to a room no bigger than a closet. He switched on the light.

"Mrs. Gambino's folly. She insisted I convert the storeroom for her. We cannot compete with the big clothing stores, but a woman must have an occupation. It keeps her from pecking at me."

The room was lined with shelves stacked with shirtwaists and skirts, camisoles and hosiery. One shelf held an assortment of three or four hats. Against one wall was a rack filled with dresses and more skirts, all carefully arranged by color.

"Look at this fine selection, Angelina." Tonio stepped into the closet room and gently fingered a folded shirtwaist of inexpensive lawn. "Pick out an outfit of the best." His tone was light. Angelina was sure he made fun of the inexpensive, factory made clothing Gambino's carried. He was used to much better, but to her it was a treasure room, though not, of course, the quality she'd jested of earlier.

"If you wish to try something on to try out the size, just close the door. We won't disturb you." Gambino moved to the door and motioned Tonio to follow him. "Antonio, I must catch up with you. It has been a long time."

"I was hoping to get to watch the show. Add my opinions," Tonio said. Gambino grabbed his arm and motioned toward the front of the store with his head.

"I'll help Angelina." Maria let the men pass and moved into the room.

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