Escalation - Tessa Teevan Page 0,28

“No one’s called me that for a long damn time.”

“I could say the same about Brie. Until you,” she amends, a small sigh escaping. Tears well in her eyes, and I tighten my hold on her before kissing her on the top of her head. “We’re quite a pair, aren’t we?”

A pair.

Elation soars in me, but I maintain my composure, not wanting to get ahead of myself. Still, my hand travels down to her belly as my lips find her ear.

“As much as I love the pair that we were, I think we’re a little more than that now, don’t you?”

She shivers, and fears at her lack of response starts to creep in.

“Will you stay until I fall asleep?” she asks, avoiding my question.

I want to push and prod, force her to tell me that we’re okay, but I resist, knowing we’re back to the place where I give her time and space. Hopefully, she won’t need too much of it.

“Brie, I’ll stay until you tell me to leave. And even then, I won’t ever be very far.”

She nods against my chest and settles in. I hold her close until her breath evens out and sleep over takes her.

And then I hold her until sleep takes me, too.

RAFE’S GONE WHEN I wake, much to my dismay. And at the same time, much to my relief. The way he held me in the middle of the night was comforting, and in the darkness of the room, I wanted to forgive him for everything. The way he slowly, almost hesitantly, made love to me had me trusting his words. That it wasn’t all a lie. That he really does care for me the way he’s made me believe.

Now, however, that the nightmares have passed and, according to the clock, I’ve slept for nearly sixteen hours, I feel refreshed. And even though I’d love to stay in my blissful, ignorant state, allowing him to use his body to keep the nightmares away, I can’t. More than anything, I want answers.

Answers, I remember, Rafe promised I’d get. I’m eager to get to the bottom of this. To find out the whole truth.

As I turn over onto my side, I spot the note on the pillow next to me.

Had to run to the office. Will be back as soon as possible. Make yourself at home. Nothing has changed, Brie. Not for me. This is still the home you planned on it being just a couple of days ago. Remember that. Be back soon. Love, Rafe.


Love? He couldn’t possibly…

Could he? I mean, he did almost say it yesterday. I’m sure of it. I was afraid it was an in-the-moment thing, and I stopped him before he could get the word out. But still…Love, Rafe?

Shaking my head, I tell myself that it’s just an expression. Still, the prospect of the depth of his feelings wreaks havoc on my heart, which I need to steel for this upcoming inquisition. Since I’m alone, take advantage of the solace and draw myself a hot bath.

For the next hour, I shut my brain off and soak. Not thinking. Not feeling. Just being. As thoughts of the water seeping into the trunk enter my mind, I muster up all of my strength to forget it. At least, for now.

When I emerge from the bath, I look at my naked body in the mirror, twisting and turning, trying to imagine the imminent changes the pregnancy will bring. Then I lift my eyes to my face. Do I even recognize the girl staring back at me? I thought I was on track to pre-Adrian Brie, but did I jump from one fucked-up relationship to the next? Will I ever really know who Gabriella Latham is supposed to be, or am I destined to continue to make the same mistakes over and over again?


Even as the though starts to sink it, I quickly wipe it out of my mind. I refuse to believe that. Sure, there may be parallels in the situations, but the two men couldn’t be different. I may not know Rafe’s life story, but I know the man underneath it all. I just hope I can trust him again. Either way, it’s time to take hold of my life. Not just for me, but for my unborn baby as well. And the first step?

Working this shit out with Rafe.

Easier said than done.

I have no idea what this day has planned for me or where I’ll be by the end of it. Still, Copyright 2016 - 2024