Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy #2) - Donna Fletcher Page 0,91

took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “That might be so, but even if this day ended in an attack such as mine did, which it won’t, you will still be wed to Arran. Royden and I never got the chance to wed on what was to be our wedding day. And that Arran weds you freely for all to see makes this day even more special.” She squeezed her hand again. “Now let me see if I can tell you who some of these people are.”

Purity waited anxiously as Oria peeked out.

“The man with the golden-red hair, plain features, and solid girth is Fergus. He is Alynn’s husband. You remember Alynn from the Clan MacDonnegal, don’t you?”

“Aye, though I did not know her well,” Purity said. “I recall now, she was forced to wed him.”

“Luckily, she’s happy with him,”

“The tall, fine looking man beside the petite woman with the gentle smile and blonde hair is Trevor, Wolfe’s good friend and the woman is his wife, Demelza, and my sister,” Oria said turning to Purity with a smile. “You’ll like her. She is so nice and rarely pays heed to her husband’s orders.” Oria chuckled causing Purity to do the same. She took another peek. “And there are familiar faces, Arran’s da and Wren. Freen is in attendance and your friend Quiver and Princess stand beside Arran, who is looking mighty fine.” She chuckled again as she turned back to Purity and cast a glance down. “King remains by your side.”

King sat leaning against Purity’s leg.

“He stays close to your side,” Oria said.

“When it pleases him, though more often than not he is close by and has been since that day everything changed for everyone,” Purity said.

“And it has changed again, new neighbors and friends, and family as well.” She shook her head. “Everything is far different than I ever imagined it would be. I’m just glad through it all that I didn’t lose Royden and we are now husband and wife.”

“I dreamed but never thought it possible that one day I would be Arran’s wife. I just wish…” Tears pricked at Purity’s eyes.

Oria felt her own eyes moisten. “I feel the same. I wish Raven could be here as well. But she’ll come home. I have no doubt about it.”

“I want to believe that but I worry it isn’t safe for her to return.”

“She’ll find a way.” Oria shook her head but this time laughed along with it. “There’s no stopping Raven when she sets her mind to something.”

Purity nodded and laughed as well. “You’re right. Somehow she’ll see it done.”

“We’ll both keep Raven in our hearts and minds today so she can share this day,” Oria said. “Now it’s time for you and Arran to wed.”

Purity kept hold of Oria’s hand until they came to a stop in front of Arran. She reached out and took his outstretched hand and it wasn’t long after that they stood in front of Abbott Thomas, with family and old and new friends filling the Great Hall, that they once again were declared husband and wife.

The celebration spilled out into the village. A bonfire had been lit and food and drink were made available for all. Bethany had come the day before to help Iona and together they had prepared a delicious feast. People raised their voices in song and danced with joy.

“It is good we join in celebration with one another,” Demelza said, having joined Oria and Purity not far from the bonfire that spit and tossed sparks far into the air. “We become family that way.”

“I would like to think that,” Purity said and looked to where her husband stood talking with some men. “There has been enough hurt and harm to many, but I do wonder if my husband will ever forgive those who caused his family such tragedy.”

“I truly hope he can,” Demelza said. “I see what revenge has done to my brother. I wouldn’t want to see more heartache brought to any of us. I do hope we can live in peace together and protect one another from now on.”

“That would be a blessing and I will do my best to help make it so,” Purity said.

“As will I,” Oria said.

Demelza nodded. “And I as well.”

“What are you three conjuring?” Wren asked, joining them.

“A good future for us all,” Purity said with a sense of confidence she hadn’t felt before this moment.

“With three such strong women, it’s bound to be so,” Wren offered with a

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