Entrapment (Thor's Dragon Rider #3) - Katrina Cope

- Chapter One -

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Elan’s golden scales crush against my chest as the lava monster’s grasp tightens, squeezing us together against its palm. Extending my body is a struggle as I’m pressed flat against her scales. I have just enough room to gaze over my shoulder and peer through a crack between the dark digits.

The finger cage traps in the heat, raising the circulating temperature. Sweat breaks out on my brow and trickles into my eye. The hard surface of the lava monster's skin is warm from internal heating. Combined with the stress pumping adrenaline through my veins, it makes the enclosure almost as hot as a sauna.

A soft puff of colder breeze sneaks through the crack as I observe our surroundings, my mind racing to find a way out.

The scenery changes, and my stomach flops to my torso floor, only to rebound, tightening into a knot as an eye of red lava stares at the hand confining us. I let my magic well up. Having had no luck against the frost giants, I don't know how to combat this monstrous beast. The lava monster is just as big as the frost giants and maybe more vicious. I don't know how we're going to get out of this predicament.

“How are you feeling, Elan?” My voice is muffled against the large hand.

A little squashed. But I’m fine, other than it’s my worst nightmare come true. I don't understand why it’s not attacking us. It's just grabbing us. Even though her voice is internal, speaking directly into my mind, it still sounds strained. That’s probably because of the pressure against her head. How are you feeling?

“My heart’s pumping a hundred miles per hour, and the heat is causing me to sweat. I can feel it gathering in the leather down my thighs.” I attempt to shift my hands to rub my legs, only to find I can hardly move them. “Other than that and being cramped, I’m fine.”

Observing what little I can through the crack, I attempt to work out where we are.

“It’s weird for it to be just grabbing us.” An itch grows on my stomach, and I’m desperate to scratch it, with no success. “Why would Hel be targeting us? If anything, we should be safe because I accidentally let Loki go.”

The hand tightens, and Elan groans. I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

The hand loosens slightly, and I suck in the fresh air. “Do you have any ideas on how to get out of here?”

Nope. I have no idea. She squirms to get comfortable, only to press me farther.

I grunt. “Stop moving! You’re squashing me.”

Her body goes deathly still. Sorry. Her chest expands a couple of times as she takes some breaths. Except for the massive horn sticking out of its head, it’s much like the lava monster from earlier that injured me badly.

Slightly shifting my head enables me to see somewhat more through the crack, and I catch a brief glimpse of the monster’s face. Glowing red-and-orange lava fills gaping holes resembling eyes. As I gaze into them, the sensation of death assails me. I worry my lip but halt when a flash of lightning fills the sky behind the monster’s head. A booming clap of thunder reverberates the surrounding area only seconds later.

My heart skips a beat. “Is that one of Thor’s electrical storms?”

Another flash of lightning forks through the sky.

I don't know, but I sure hope it is.

Something thuds. Suddenly, we jerk to one side before being overcome by a strange feeling of floating on air, still enclosed within the giant hand. I peer out the crack, attempting to focus on the land streaking past.

The giant hits the ground with a thud, and the fist holding us slams against the solid surface. The impact reverberates through my body, banging my body harder against Elan’s scales before slapping me against the palm.

The sliver of a crack between its clenched fingers opens wider. I peer out in time to see the ground bounce underneath us, and something careens through the sky. Focusing on the flying object, I see Mjolnir charging through the air and landing right back in Thor's hands.

I gasp. “It is Thor!”

He stands with his feet splayed shoulder distance apart as he releases Mjolnir again and braces for the hammer’s impact, and his shoulder jerks backward when it slams back into his hand.

I can see. Excitement fills Elan’s voice.

My breath catches as he launches the hammer at the giant, bracing for another hit. His movements are

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