Entranced (The ROGUES Billionaire #1) - Tracie Delaney Page 0,21

into my slip of the tongue other than to chuckle.

“No. He was supposed to be back by now, but his flight was delayed.” She clapped her hands. “Oh, darling, this calls for a celebration. As soon as Elliot returns, I’ll arrange a dinner. Invite all the boys. They’ll be so thrilled to see you.”

I suppressed a smile. Six strapping twenty-eight-year-old men who could buy New York City several times over being described as boys amused me. Then my smile fell. Ryker was one of the six. Considering how we’d left things only an hour ago, I wasn’t sure I could take another mental pummeling at Ryker’s hands. I needed to recharge my batteries first.

Mom clutched my hand, her thumb brushing over my knuckles. “I’ve missed you, my darling girl. Tell me, was traveling everything you hoped for and more? Did you maybe find a nice man to take care of you?”

I blinked slowly, disappointment weighing heavily in my chest. And there it is. Her comment strengthened my resolve to finally stand on my own two feet.

“Yes to the first question. No to the second. And I don’t need a man to take care of me. Which reminds me. When Dad and Elliot get home, I want to talk to you all. Together.”

Mom’s eyebrows squished together. “Should I be concerned?”

I grinned. “No, worry wart.”

“That’s all right then,” she said, a beam lighting up her face, smoothing the brief appearance of her troubled frown.

My heart filled with love. I adored my mother, looked up to her enormously. She was my hero. She’d had a terrible life at the hands of my father—correction, sperm donor. The asshole didn’t deserve the term father—yet she’d come out the other side strong, resilient, amazing. Meeting the man I considered my real dad certainly helped. But Mom would have made it regardless.

“Let me text Elliot and ask him to come here when he lands in case he planned to go straight to the office,” Mom said, reaching for her phone. “I won’t tell him why, though. Let it be a surprise.”

Ninety minutes later, Mom and I had fully caught up when the sound of footsteps heading our way reached us. Then voices. Dad and Elliot. Perfect timing.

I stood, hands tucked in the back pockets of my jeans, weirdly nervous about seeing my brother in case he read the lies in my face, that he somehow knew I’d been in Japan working at the club. That Ryker, despite his assurances, had sold me out. But as Elliot entered the room and saw me, my anxiety melted away. His surprised expression was followed by complete joy.

“Athena,” he cried, striding toward me. I found myself wrapped in his arms, Dad soon joining in. After being hugged to within an inch of my life, I managed to extricate myself.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?” Elliot accused, his gaze narrowing.

“It was a last-minute decision,” I answered truthfully, although decision was pushing it.

Blackmailed into coming home more like it.

“Where have you flown in from?”

“Ja-Jakarta,” I said, catching myself just in time. “How was Japan?” When he raised his eyebrows in query, I added, “Mom told me.”

“Good,” he replied. “Ryker and I went to close out a business opportunity.”

My pulse stuttered at the mention of his name.

“Well, now Athena’s home, we must have a celebration dinner,” Mom said. “So, tell that boy, and the rest of them, to get their backsides over here by eight tonight.”

“I can’t,” Elliot said, his hand covering his mouth as he yawned. “Sebastian hasn’t arrived from London yet, and Ryker stayed behind in Japan, supposedly to complete a few minor details, and then he’s flying on to Paris for a couple days. He’s full of shit, though. He had a woman in his room. Flying back with me wasn’t top of his agenda.”

“Never mind,” Mom said with a shrug. “I’ll arrange it for when he’s back. I’ll text him.”

“Mom, don’t,” I groaned. “Let me settle in first.”

“How come you came home early, love?” Dad pressed a tender kiss to my temple.

“I missed everyone,” I said, reiterating my earlier assurances to Mom. “I enjoyed traveling, but there’s no place like home.” I touched his arm. “Can we all sit? I want to talk to you.”

Elliot flashed me one of his looks. “What about?”

“Sit down and you’ll find out, won’t you?”

He stuck out his tongue. I pulled a funny face. Elliot laughed, hugging me again.

“It’s great to have you back, brat. It’s sure been quiet around here without

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