Entice - By Ella Frank Page 0,78

it mattered, she had nipped that in the bud, and he had told her to lose his number. Now, she could finally go back to looking for someone suitable who didn’t have an ex-girlfriend popping up to be a match contender.

Once they were finally allowed into the main area, Shelly felt her eyes widen as her mouth formed a small O-shape. By the looks of her somewhat more prudish friend, Lena, she too, was a little out of her depth—or more like a lot.

Rachel, however, strutted through the crowd, who actually moved for her, and made her way over to the bar. Not knowing what else to do, Shelly and Lena followed, looking around.

This place sure was something. The low lighting continued through the center of the club, and red-velvet booths with black tables lined the far wall of the establishment.

In the center of the space was a medium-sized dance floor, and on the other side of the club was the bar that ran along the wall. However, it wasn’t the décor of the place that was slightly shocking. It was the people that had Shelly gob smacked.

Following Rachel, Shelly noted men and women of all different shapes and sizes dressed in anything from leather to PVC to—Is that spandex? Wow.

Clearly, some of the people rocked the look. Like Rachel Langley, who had now reached the bar and was leaning on it, talking to the bartender with a sexy smile.

Then, there were others who were showing a little too much skin and should probably invest in some full body chain mail.

Shelly felt Lena grip her arm as they made it through the throng of people dancing and heavily kissing until they reached Rachel and stood beside her.

Over the loud music, Rachel yelled, “What do you two want to drink?”

Shelly was so busy staring at the way people were moving and acting in all their different outfits that she didn’t answer.

“Shel?” Rachel asked her again.

Shelly turned to look at her. “I need a tequila shot please.”

Lena piped up then and yelled, “Me, too.”

Rachel spun back around to the bartender and leaned her palms up on the counter, effectively moving her body halfway across the bar. The younger looking man, probably in his early twenties, stepped forward immediately.

“Did you hear that, Riley?”

Shelly watched as the bartender nodded, his eyes only on Rachel. Then, he said something that almost made Shelly fall flat on her face.

“Yes. Miss Rachel.”

“Good boy. Now, come here.” Miss Rachel told the young man.

Shelly felt Lena grip her arm and squeeze.

“What the hell is she doing?” she hissed in Shelly’s ear.

Shelly watched as Rachel stretched across the bar’s counter.

“I think she’s sealing a deal, or proving a...” Shelly paused utterly bewildered, and then looked at Lena clueless. “I have no goddamn idea. Did you know all about this?” Shelly demanded. “No wonder she doesn’t want Mason to know. He’d flip his lid.”

Lena’s eyes were huge as she looked over at her soon to be sister-in-law. “I’m worried about her.”

“Because of this?” Shelly asked, looking back to see the bartender now licking Rachel’s neck slowly with his hands behind his back.

Mesmerized by the odd nature of what was going on before her, Shelly stood frozen, unable to look away. Once the bartender, Riley, had completed his…task, goal? Shit, Shelly had no clue what to call it. He stepped back and waited patiently for his next order. Aha! That’s the word—order!

Rachel then moved from the bar and shook her hands by her side, as though coming out of a trance, before turning to face them both with a smile.

Shelly imagined that she and Lena looked like they could have caught flies as they stared slack-jawed at the usually bubbly and fun-loving pastry chef. Oh yeah, Mason would have a shit fit if he knew where his baby sister was spending her nights.

“Riley is going to bring us tequila for the rest of the night. It would be rude not to drink it,” Rachel informed.

Shelly raised a brow at the forceful tone of Rachel’s statement, and then decided, What the hell? You only live once.

Looking over at Lena, Shelly grinned. “I wanted to forget Josh Daniels. I can’t think of a better place to do that than here. You game?”

Lena looked over to her fiancé’s sister, who was staring at them with those serious blue eyes again. Shelly followed her friend’s gaze and also zoomed in on the stranger, formerly known as Rachel, that was standing before them.

Who is this woman?

“You promise

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