Entice - By Ella Frank Page 0,41



Josh was about to explain that he was the boss. Then, it occurred to him that she thought he was a construction crew worker.

Ha, imagine that.

In all fairness, he was a construction worker. He just happened to also own Creative Construction and Remolding Co., but he wasn’t going to let her in on that just yet.

It was nice actually—not to be looked at as though he was just a bank and would always foot the bill. Melissa had treated him like that, but he wanted Shelly to be with him just for him.

“Sure, he will. It’s this weekend, so that should be enough time for me to finish my work for the week.” He paused, and then asked, “How long does it take to get there?”

“Usually, I fly, but this year, I felt like a road trip. I looked it up, and it said eleven-and-a-half hours.”

Josh nodded, reaching down to pat Mutley on the head. “Okay, so you want to leave early Friday morning then?”

She let out a breathy sigh and answered quietly, “Uh, yes. I was thinking early—around 4:00 a.m.”

“Damn, Doc, that is early.”

“It’s a long trip.”

“It sure is.” He paused. “Are there any rules to this deal I should know about?”

There was silence, and then he heard a whisper so quiet he almost missed it.

“Don’t make me want to keep you.”

Josh felt a huge grin spread across his face. “Well then, don’t make me want to be kept.”

He was about to wish her a good night.

Then, she asked, “Josh?”

“Yeah, Shelly?”

“I’m breaking all my rules for you.”

“Are you? How’s that working so far?”

“I don’t know yet. I’ll let you know.”

He closed his eyes, imagining her beautiful blue ones. “Get some sleep, Man-Eater.”

He swore he could see her smile when she answered in a breathy voice.

“Will do, Delicious Daniels.”

Before he could comment on that nickname, she’d hung up.

Chapter Ten


Shelly saw her the minute she stepped into the cafeteria.

Lena was seated at their usual table in the far back to the left. Shelly went through the line, grabbing the usual bottle of water and a ham sandwich, and then made her way over to her friend.

Lena watched her approach with a smug smile on her face, and instantly, Shelly knew Mason had spilled the beans. Pulling out the empty chair, Shelly sat and raised a brow at her friend.

“Okay. Go ahead.”

Lena nodded. “So, I guess you used the plumber after all?”

Rolling her eyes, Shelly asked, “How long did it take you to come up with that?”

“Not long. Around ten minutes.”

“You’re so original. I can barely stand it,” Shelly told her with a smirk.

“Oh, don’t even try with the snarky attitude. That’s my department. Plus, you had to know Mason would tell me.”

Shelly twisted the lid off the bottle and asked, “And what exactly did your gossipy old man tell you?”

Lena grinned at her and took a bite of her sandwich. “That you and Josh had a deal.”

“Man! Did Josh tell him everything?”

“Well, they are best friends. You tell me everything.” She paused, and then tacked on, “Well, you used to.”

“Stop trying to make me feel guilty. It won’t work.”

Lena sat forward and whispered, “And why not? You made me tell you all the details. So, come on, tell me. How amazing does he look naked?”

Shelly felt her eyes widen as she stared at her friend, who was waiting patiently with her reading glasses perched on the end of her nose, her lab coat falling open. Laughing, Shelly shook her head.

“Mason’s right about one thing.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”

Opening her sandwich, Shelly pulled it out and took a bite. “You and I act like we’re in high school.”

Sitting back, Lena crossed her legs. “Well, if that’s true, then tell me about the boy you were kissing in the parking lot.” She ended that mature comment by poking out her tongue.

Shelly grinned, ready to play the game. “Well, he’s really cute.”

“Josh? Cute? I don’t think that’s the right adjective,” Lena interrupted.

“Yeah, you’re right. He’s really, really sexy. Oh boy!” Shelly sighed, fanning herself. “He took me to heaven in less than thirty minutes in that parking lot.”

Lena’s mouth fell open. “He did not!” Then, looking around them to make sure they weren’t overheard, she leaned in closer to Shelly. “You did not have sex with him in the parking lot.”

“Geez, Lena. What version of that game were you playing in high school?” Shelly asked, pretending to be scandalized.

Lena arched a brow, shaking her head. “You’re hilarious. Don’t try to distract me. Answer the question,

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