ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,99

told Toni. “Believe it or not, she was once Shep’s nanny, and then she looked after his sons. They all consider her a member of the family and now she helps to take care of the newest generation of Grangers.”

“Hello, you two.”

Toni glanced up at the three men she’d met at Stonewall and Joy’s wedding. They were close friends of Andrew’s—Locke Dangerfield, Shogun Duke, and Macayle Wasilla. She thought the three were handsome as sin, but of course none of them were as good looking as Drew.

More people began arriving, some of whom she had not met before, like Mona and Ben Bradford. Ben was the father of Jace’s wife, Shana and Dalton’s wife, Jules. A short while later, Toni and Drew walked out to stand on the patio that overlooked a beautiful lake. Joy and Stonewall joined them.

“I hope you know that you two have become heroes in the law enforcement business,” Joy said, smiling. “I just returned from the lieutenant’s conference in Atlanta and everyone was talking about you.”

Drew lifted a brow. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” Joy said excitedly. “Detectives Andrew Logan and Antonia Oliver, cracking a quadruple homicide, including a cold case from six years ago. It has everyone talking. And then to arrest the murderer on her wedding day, and in her bridal gown... Incredible! Congratulations. Your lieutenant was singing your praises, telling everyone that you two make a great team.”

Drew smiled down at Toni in a way that made her breath catch. “He’s right. We do make a great team.”

Later that night, back at the hotel, after making love, Toni was remembering what Drew had said. They did make a great team. Did he really believe that?

Only time would tell.

• • •

“Nana and Granddad, I’d like you to meet Andrew Logan.”

Andrew knew Toni’s grandparents were sizing him up. After all, she’d warned him. She had never brought a guy home for them to meet before, and they were curious. That was good. If they needed to check him out to see if he was worthy to be a part of their granddaughter’s life, that was okay with him.

“Where are you from, Andrew? Who are your people?”

He fought back a grin. “Please, call me Drew. I was born in Memphis and both my parents are deceased.”

There was no need to tell them too much about his past since it wasn’t all that pretty. “I have a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and I’m currently a detective with the Alexandria, Virginia, Police Department.”

The older man nodded. “Toni has only been in Virginia a few months. You work fast.”

I didn’t work fast enough, Andrew thought. At that moment, he decided to be truthful with Toni’s grandparents. “Toni and I met several years ago at a police seminar in California.”

The older man nodded, and Andrew had a feeling that he was probably thinking that knowing his granddaughter, nothing had come of it. “Well, welcome to our home. We’re glad you and Toni reconnected, and her grandmother and I look forward to getting to know you better, Andrew.”

The first time Toni had told him about her grandfather and his relationships with the kids on his patrol beat, Andrew had known Madison Bellamy was special. And while helping the older man grill the food, Andrew had felt comfortable enough to tell Madison everything about his past. Unsurprisingly, the man didn’t pass judgment and told him he was glad he’d turned his life around He’d also said that he was glad Drew was a part of his granddaughter’s life. Andrew looked forward to more times spent with Madison Bellamy and promised to return.

In the morning, they would be meeting with Toni’s father for breakfast. Andrew could tell she was nervous about doing so. Later that night back at the hotel room while in bed, he held her in his arms and persuaded her to talk about her father. He wanted her to tell him about all the good things she remembered about him. When she had finished it pretty much sounded to Andrew that regardless of the mistakes Toni’s father had made in life, the man truly loved his daughter. Andrew believed that deep down Toni knew her father loved her as well.

Before drifting off to sleep, Toni told him how she intended to handle her meeting with Thomas Gilmore tomorrow. Andrew offered to go with her, but she’d said it was something she had to handle on her own. He understood and had promised to be there for her when she returned.

• • •


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