ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,96

such a vile woman. And as far as Toni was concerned, the woman was as evil as they came.

“Remind me never to ignore one of your hunches,” Andrew told Toni. She’d explained to him that she’d noticed something had been off when she’d read Headley’s bio and saw that he and Jennifer had attended the same college, graduating the same year. On the off chance they knew each other, she had asked for information about Jennifer, going back ten years.

Jennifer and Ervin Headley, along with the two other women arrested, had been pals since high school. They had all left to attend the same college in Boston.

Andrew glanced over at her. “Ready?


Jennifer Evans stopped her pacing the moment they walked into the interrogation room. As expected, she threw a fit. “How dare you do this to me! You ruined my wedding day! My attorney will make you pay for this! He will sue you and this police department for everything you own. He will—”

“Please, have a seat, Ms. Evans, so we can go over the charges,” Drew said, interrupting her.

“I will not sit down. You’ve ruined my wedding day.”

“I heard you the first time. Now have a seat, Ms. Evans. We’re not going to ask you again.”

Maybe it was the tone of Drew’s voice, or the look on his face that made the woman finally take a chair. “Why are you doing this?” she asked, wiping tears from her eyes. “How can you accuse me of killing my own father? My sister? And a man I don’t even know?”

“Oh, now you want to claim Maria Tindal as your sister? Did you tell her that before you slit her wrists? What about your father? Did you make sure he knew how angry you were for threatening to write you out of his will before you pulled the trigger that killed him?” Toni asked.

“How dare you accuse me of doing such a thing!”

“We dare because we have Ervin Headley in custody, and he told us everything. He admitted to being your accomplice all three times.”

A flash of surprise lit in Jennifer Evans’s eyes. “Lies! All lies! It’s my word against Ervin’s. You can’t prove a thing!” she screamed.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Jennifer,” Toni said. “We know what your relationship with your adopted father was like. Yes, we know that Morey was not your biological father, and that he and his wife adopted you before your first birthday. We also know he was in the process of changing his will, cutting you out of it. That has been verified by the man who was your father’s attorney at the time.

“We also know how you convinced Ervin Headley to drive you home from Boston after concocting a plan to kill your father and make it look like a home invasion. Only you didn’t expect Constance to be there, too. Then, after killing them both, you stole several items to make it look like a robbery. You and Headley then drove back to the university in Boston, so you could be in place to receive the call about your father’s death.”

“And just so you know,” Andrew said, when Jennifer was about to open her mouth to deny what Toni had said, “We were able to obtain the rental car and gas receipts from six years ago. And the hotel still had records that prove you were in town the night your father and stepmother were killed.”

Toni saw another flash of surprise in Jennifer’s eyes. Undoubtedly, she thought she had covered her tracks well six years ago. “You and Headley split the loot with an agreement not to pawn any of the items for at least ten years. But recently, you needed money for your lavish wedding, and decided to take a chance.”

Andrew then picked up the tale. “You had Constance Evans’s necklace appraised, and once you discovered how much it was worth, you decided to auction it off on Wizzin. Only you hadn’t counted on Maria seeing the necklace on Byron Nettles’s flash drive and recognizing it. Her only mistake was calling you. Unlike the lie you told us that she called to congratulate you on your engagement, the reason she called you was to tell you what she had discovered. She believed you would be just as outraged as she was. Too bad she hadn’t known about your involvement in your father and her mother’s deaths. Afraid she would take the flash drive to the police, you put another murder plan in place, because

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