ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,86

an important matter to discuss with her. There was a chance she might think he was using any excuse to see her again and, in a way, she would be right. It didn’t matter that he would be breaking her rules again tonight. This report was something she needed to know about. Sure, he could wait until tomorrow and tell her on the way to Baltimore, where they would interview Myrtis Gunther, but he thought this might be something she’d want time to think about.

Andrew placed the report on the kitchen counter. He would go upstairs and get cleaned up so he could head over to Toni’s place. He wouldn’t even call first, just in case she tried discouraging him from coming.

He had just placed his foot on the first step to go upstairs when his doorbell sounded. He hoped like hell it wasn’t Ryker. His friend was known to drop in unexpectedly if he was in the area. And if it was Ryker, his timing was lousy. Because Drew really needed to go see Toni.

“Who is it?” he asked.


Andrew lifted a brow. Toni? She was here? Glancing out the peephole, he saw that she was standing on his doorstep. As if she knew he was looking at her, she looked back. He could not get the door open fast enough, and the moment it was clear, she all but threw herself into his arms.

He caught her, and when she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, he used his hands to support her bottom. That’s when she leaned in and took his mouth.

Somehow, he managed to kick the door shut with the heel of his shoe as she continued to devour his mouth, rendering him weak in the knees. His heart was pounding like crazy, and he could actually feel the hardness of her nipples pressing against his chest through the material of his shirt.

They had kissed a lot of times, but never like this. Maybe he just hadn’t been prepared for it, but he had no complaints. She was staking a claim, in a way she had never done before. There was an urgency about her actions, and a need that was being made more obvious with every lap of her tongue. A hollow beat of awareness fired his blood.

She broke off the kiss and he saw naked desire in her dark eyes. Sexual excitement curled in his stomach when she whispered, “Make love to me, Drew.”

Holding her firmly in his arms, he headed upstairs to his bedroom.

• • •

That had definitely been one wild mating, Toni thought, waking up a few hours later to find her body all twisted together with Drew’s. When she left work, she had made up her mind to throw her rules out the window. A smile curved her lips. Who’d have ever guessed that such sexual hunger on her part would leave her ever-ready Andrew Logan totally worn out?

Taking her time, she slowly untwisted their limbs. She glanced over at him when he shifted in sleep, and thought he looked simply adorable with a satisfied look on his face. It made her feel pretty good knowing she’d put it there.

She was about to ease out of bed when a firm hand clutched her thigh. His hands on her body felt hard, masculine, and so darn good.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked in a deep, husky voice, his eyes still closed.

“To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”

He opened one eye to look at her. “You haven’t eaten dinner?”

“No. Have you?”

When he gave her a sensual grin and licked his lips, reminding her of the meal he’d greedily made of her, she said, “Besides that.”

“Not sure anything is tastier than you, Toni.”

She chuckled. “You’re talking crazy, Andrew Logan. Now go back to sleep.”

He returned her smile, and it was such a sexy smile that her body flared in response. Then, in a surprise move, he reached up and cupped her head, pulling her face down to his. His lips brushed over her ear in a way that made her shiver. “Go eat your PB&J and come back to me. I got something for you when you get back.”

She knew exactly what he had for her if the size of his erection was anything to go by. When he finally released her, she quickly scooted out of the bed, slipped into his shirt, and left the room.

Toni smiled all the way down the stairs. A rush of

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